Kylie Minogue
If You Don't Love Me

You can tell me anything
You can tell me anything
I'll believe you

You know it too
Share the truth with lies
Set aside one flies
Will you realise

If you don't love me
You don't love me
I will know
If you don't love me
You don't love me

You can ask me anything
You can ask me anything
I will do it

You know it too
Nothing that I'll do
If you want me to
And it's all so true

I'll know

Mirror lyrics:

I'll know

And it's all so true
If you want me to
Nothing that I'll do
You know it too

I will do it
You can ask me anything
You can ask me anything

You don't love me
If you don't love me
I will know
You don't love me
If you don't love me

Will you realise
Set aside one flies
Share the truth with lies
You know it too

I'll believe you
You can tell me anything
You can tell me anything

Relevant Tags:
IIf YYou DDon't LLove MMe f ou on't ove e fI oYu oDn't oLve eM jf gou xon't kove je jIf gYou xDon't kLove jMe Ijf Ygou Dxon't Lkove Mje
9f hou eon't oove ke 9If hYou eDon't oLove kMe I9f Yhou Deon't Loove Mke lf 6ou fon't pove ne lIf 6You fDon't pLove nMe Ilf Y6ou Dfon't Lpove Mne
of uou ron't Mee oIf uYou rDon't Lve M Iof Yuou Dron't Lvoe Me kf 7ou con't Lkve Ms kIf 7You cDon't Mse Ikf Y7ou Dcon't Lokve Mes
8f jou son't L9ve M3 8If jYou sDon't L9ove M3e I8f Yjou Dson't Lo9ve Me3 uf tou Doon't L0ve Mf uIf tYou Dn't L0ove Mfe Iuf Ytou Dno't Lo0ve Mef
Iff Yoou Dkn't Llve Mr I Yu Dkon't Llove Mre If Yuo Dokn't Lolve Mer Ic Yku D9n't Live M4 Icf Ykou D9on't Liove M4e Ifc Yoku Do9n't Loive Me4
Ir Y9u D0n't Lovve Md Irf Y9ou D0on't Loe Mde Ifr Yo9u Do0n't Loev Med Ig Y0u Dln't Lobe Mw Igf Y0ou Dlon't Lobve Mwe Ifg Yo0u Doln't Lovbe Mew
It Ylu Din't Loce Itf Ylou Dion't Locve Ift Yolu Doin't Lovce Iv Yiu Donn't Loge Ivf Yiou Do't Logve

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