Kyle Riabko

She's so reckless
She's so dangerous
She'll break your heart
And leave it in the wreckage

If you dont wanna be one of her casualties
Be careful
The devil's on TV

On the outside
She's so beautiful
Intoxicating, delicate and sweet
No man has ever told her no

If you dont wanna be one of her catastophies
Be careful
Please be careful
The Devil's on TV

You'll give her everything you love
But it's never enough

On the inside
There is evil
She'll tell you what you wanna hear
But you better not believe it

If you dont wanna be one of her tragedies
Be careful
Be careful
The Devil's on TV

Mirror lyrics:

The Devil's on TV
Be careful
Be careful
If you dont wanna be one of her tragedies

But you better not believe it
She'll tell you what you wanna hear
There is evil
On the inside

But it's never enough
You'll give her everything you love

The Devil's on TV
Please be careful
Be careful
If you dont wanna be one of her catastophies

No man has ever told her no
Intoxicating, delicate and sweet
She's so beautiful
On the outside

The devil's on TV
Be careful
If you dont wanna be one of her casualties

And leave it in the wreckage
She'll break your heart
She's so dangerous
She's so reckless

Relevant Tags:
DDevil evil eDvil xevil xDevil Dxevil eevil eDevil Deevil fevil fDevil
Dfevil revil rDevil Drevil cevil cDevil Dcevil sevil sDevil Dsevil Dvil
Dveil Dsvil Desvil D3vil D3evil De3vil Dfvil Defvil Drvil Dervil D4vil
D4evil De4vil Ddvil Ddevil Dedvil Dwvil Dwevil

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