B Boy Pose

1 2, a 1-2

Sail through the shodown sangfroid
Dig in to dilemma like a digital droid
Abattoir abandoned acrobatic area
Adulation the mass hysteria
Learn by heart listen lyrical lesson
Scientific sound search studio session
Go off the deep end keep your nose to the grindstone
B-boy battle barbarian to the boneyo

MC Mariko
1,2 microphone check
It's time to test this terrific technique
Mystified, mesmerized marvellous mechanics
Kwan creating chans, catastrophical climate
Blast, baze, brr
Blizzards cn't be laying back
Taste the thundreous Tasmanian typhoon
Creatin' challengin' concepts in my cerebrum cocoon
Sounds n' nights
Selection psychic
Slammafied sensational show 'aight?!

Strike the b-boy pose
Impress me
Strike the b-boy pose
Too many high fives
Too many yos

Strike the b-boy pose
Impress me
Strike the b-boy pose
Too many high fives
Too many yos

Ko lo ko lo ko lo ko locomotion
Liberate my level of lexis
Loose the loudspeaker loud loungechair you must exit
Express yourself and feel the fx of the Kwan
Check your pulse

MC Mariko
Comma comma comma to my castle
Confort my click clock
Strikes midnight
Ready or not
Here we come
And if you're mettlesome you don't run
You don't run

Strike the b-boy pose
Impress me
Strike the b-boy pose
Too many high fives
Too many yos

Strike the b-boy pose
Impress me
Strike the b-boy pose
Too many high fives
Too many yos

Yo, it's time for some action
Pass me the mic
I rock the dancefloor
Ya'll in the direction
A sudden malfunctional problem with the...

Can anybody tell me what's going on over here
What a hell
Sabydubydabydudydadydaa dudududuu
Good to be that

Jazz jazz
In the middle of my blast that's a fact
Yo, the beat is gettin' abstract
What's the issue
And why is he standin' on his hands
Oh,a b-boy stance

MC Mariko
I'm sorry
The jazz hypnoticed me
But don't worry about me
'Cause I'm back as you can see
One more time we strike the b-boy pose, no doubt
And then we're out

Strike the b-boy pose
Impress me
Strike the b-boy pose
Too many high fives
Too many yos

Strike the b-boy pose
Strike the b-boy pose
Too many high fives
Too many yos
Strike the b-boy pose
Strike the b-boy pose
Strike the b-boy pose
Strike the b-boy pose

Mirror lyrics:

Strike the b-boy pose
Strike the b-boy pose
Strike the b-boy pose
Strike the b-boy pose
Too many yos
Too many high fives
Strike the b-boy pose
Strike the b-boy pose

Too many yos
Too many high fives
Strike the b-boy pose
Impress me
Strike the b-boy pose

And then we're out
One more time we strike the b-boy pose, no doubt
'Cause I'm back as you can see
But don't worry about me
The jazz hypnoticed me
I'm sorry
MC Mariko

Oh,a b-boy stance
And why is he standin' on his hands
What's the issue
Yo, the beat is gettin' abstract
In the middle of my blast that's a fact
Jazz jazz

Good to be that
Sabydubydabydudydadydaa dudududuu
What a hell
Can anybody tell me what's going on over here

A sudden malfunctional problem with the...
Ya'll in the direction
I rock the dancefloor
Pass me the mic
Yo, it's time for some action

Too many yos
Too many high fives
Strike the b-boy pose
Impress me
Strike the b-boy pose

Too many yos
Too many high fives
Strike the b-boy pose
Impress me
Strike the b-boy pose

You don't run
And if you're mettlesome you don't run
Here we come
Ready or not
Strikes midnight
Confort my click clock
Comma comma comma to my castle
MC Mariko

Check your pulse
Express yourself and feel the fx of the Kwan
Loose the loudspeaker loud loungechair you must exit
Liberate my level of lexis
Ko lo ko lo ko lo ko locomotion

Too many yos
Too many high fives
Strike the b-boy pose
Impress me
Strike the b-boy pose

Too many yos
Too many high fives
Strike the b-boy pose
Impress me
Strike the b-boy pose

Slammafied sensational show 'aight?!
Selection psychic
Sounds n' nights
Creatin' challengin' concepts in my cerebrum cocoon
Taste the thundreous Tasmanian typhoon
Blizzards cn't be laying back
Blast, baze, brr
Kwan creating chans, catastrophical climate
Mystified, mesmerized marvellous mechanics
It's time to test this terrific technique
1,2 microphone check
MC Mariko

B-boy battle barbarian to the boneyo
Go off the deep end keep your nose to the grindstone
Scientific sound search studio session
Learn by heart listen lyrical lesson
Adulation the mass hysteria
Abattoir abandoned acrobatic area
Dig in to dilemma like a digital droid
Sail through the shodown sangfroid

1 2, a 1-2

Relevant Tags:
BB BBoy PPose oy ose B oBy oPse v voy 0ose vB vBoy 0Pose Bv Bvoy P0ose g goy lose gB gBoy lPose Bg Bgoy Plose n noy oose nB nBoy oPose
Bn Bnoy Poose h hoy hB hBoy Pse Bh Bhoy Psoe Booy Pkse By Pkose Byo Pokse Bky P9se Bkoy P9ose Boky Po9se B9y P0se
B9oy Bo9y Po0se B0y Plse B0oy Bo0y Polse Bly Pise Bloy Piose Boly Poise Biy Posse Bioy Poe Boiy Poes
Boyy Poze

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