Match In The Gas Tank

When the party is cold, we bring the heat
Lethal with the mic pyro technics
Amaze the crowd, yo, and pump up the track
Pick it up, pic it up, pic it up, back

Match in the gas tank, boom, boom
We raise the flames to fulfill the room
Put a match in the gas tank, boom, boom
So you better watch your back, watch your back

Microphone check, whose the top MC?
Imma get down with it, like cotty dotty
Ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do
it's my way of doing, get out of here you fool
Better check me when I come on the m-i-c
Nobody is testing me, I blow it on the count of three
Gotta be a true fan of the Kwan,
'cuz we run things, knock it out like cerdan
Yeah, bam, here we come, pop it like gum
People on the floor really having some fun
Strike one, we ain't close to finish yet,
we got rhymes so heavy, sure to make all your clothes wet

So you're down with it? We ain't gonna stop or quit
We got plenty more and it's coming real quick
Dig it? Well, check out the sight,
'cuz we do what we do and we do it like we like
Ask Mike as I hit the 360 jam
real high above you, Kwan is the best slam
Man, you know we're hot like tabasco
We'll do what it takes to keep rocking the show
Flow in it, groove out,
put your hands real high, try to reach for the sky
Shout, if you know how we're dealing
Jump around everybody, let's break the ceiling!

Mirror lyrics:

Jump around everybody, let's break the ceiling!
Shout, if you know how we're dealing
put your hands real high, try to reach for the sky
Flow in it, groove out,
We'll do what it takes to keep rocking the show
Man, you know we're hot like tabasco
real high above you, Kwan is the best slam
Ask Mike as I hit the 360 jam
'cuz we do what we do and we do it like we like
Dig it? Well, check out the sight,
We got plenty more and it's coming real quick
So you're down with it? We ain't gonna stop or quit

we got rhymes so heavy, sure to make all your clothes wet
Strike one, we ain't close to finish yet,
People on the floor really having some fun
Yeah, bam, here we come, pop it like gum
'cuz we run things, knock it out like cerdan
Gotta be a true fan of the Kwan,
Nobody is testing me, I blow it on the count of three
Better check me when I come on the m-i-c
it's my way of doing, get out of here you fool
Ain't nobody gonna tell me what to do
Imma get down with it, like cotty dotty
Microphone check, whose the top MC?

So you better watch your back, watch your back
Put a match in the gas tank, boom, boom
We raise the flames to fulfill the room
Match in the gas tank, boom, boom

Pick it up, pic it up, pic it up, back
Amaze the crowd, yo, and pump up the track
Lethal with the mic pyro technics
When the party is cold, we bring the heat

Relevant Tags:
MMatch IIn TThe GGas TTank atch n he as ank aMtch nI hTe aGs aTnk jatch jn fhe has fank jMatch jIn fThe hGas fTank Mjatch Ijn Tfhe Ghas Tfank
katch 9n 5he yas 5ank kMatch 9In 5The yGas 5Tank Mkatch I9n T5he Gyas T5ank natch ln hhe bas hank nMatch lIn hThe bGas hTank Mnatch Iln Thhe Gbas Thank
Maatch on yhe vas yank Mtch oIn yThe vGas yTank Mtach Ion Tyhe Gvas Tyank Mztch kn 6he fas 6ank Mzatch kIn 6The fGas 6Tank Maztch Ikn T6he Gfas T6ank
Mqtch 8n ghe tas gank Mqatch 8In gThe tGas gTank Maqtch I8n Tghe Gtas Tgank Mstch un rhe Gaas rank Msatch uIn rThe Gs rTank Mastch Iun Trhe Gsa Trank
Mwtch Inn Gzs Taank Mwatch I Te Gzas Tnk Mawtch In Teh Gazs Tnak Mxtch Im Tje Gqs Tznk Mxatch Imn Tjhe Gqas Tzank Maxtch Inm Thje Gaqs Taznk
Mattch Ih Tue Gss Tqnk Mach Ihn Tuhe Gsas Tqank Macth Inh Thue Gass Taqnk Mafch Ij Tne Gws Tsnk Maftch Tnhe Gwas Tsank Matfch Inj Thne Gaws Tasnk
Ma5ch Ib Tbe Gxs Twnk Ma5tch Ibn Tbhe Gxas Twank Mat5ch Inb Thbe Gaxs Tawnk Mahch Tge Txnk Mahtch Ga Txank Mathch Thge Gas Taxnk
Maych Tye Gaz Tannk Maytch Tak Matych Thye Gasz Takn

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