Kylie Minogue
On A Night Like This

(You kiss me, you touch me)

Don't, say ,it's like a fantasy
When, you, know this is how it should be
You kiss me, I'm falling
Can you hear me calling
You touch me, I want you
Feels like I've always known you

On a night like this
I wanna stay forever (stay forever)
On a night like this
Just wanna be together
On a night like this

Now, I'm, getting closer to you
Hold, me, I just can't be without you
You kiss me, I'm falling
It's your name I'm calling
You touch me, I want you
Feels like I've always known you

On a night like this
I wanna stay forever (stay forever)
On a night like this
Just wanna be together
On a night like this

Seems I've known you a lifetime (lifetime)
Now it's time to make you mine
On a night like this
On a night like this

You kiss me, I'm falling, you touch me
On a night like this
Just wanna be together

On a night like this
I wanna stay forever (stay forever)
On a night like this
Just wanna be together
On a night like this (ohh)

You kiss me, I'm falling, you touch me (mmm)
On a night like this
You kiss me, I'm falling, you touch me (mmm)
On a night like this
You kiss me, I'm falling, you touch me
On a night like this

Mirror lyrics:

On a night like this
You kiss me, I'm falling, you touch me
On a night like this
You kiss me, I'm falling, you touch me (mmm)
On a night like this
You kiss me, I'm falling, you touch me (mmm)

On a night like this (ohh)
Just wanna be together
On a night like this
I wanna stay forever (stay forever)
On a night like this

Just wanna be together
On a night like this
You kiss me, I'm falling, you touch me

On a night like this
On a night like this
Now it's time to make you mine
Seems I've known you a lifetime (lifetime)

On a night like this
Just wanna be together
On a night like this
I wanna stay forever (stay forever)
On a night like this

Feels like I've always known you
You touch me, I want you
It's your name I'm calling
You kiss me, I'm falling
Hold, me, I just can't be without you
Now, I'm, getting closer to you

On a night like this
Just wanna be together
On a night like this
I wanna stay forever (stay forever)
On a night like this

Feels like I've always known you
You touch me, I want you
Can you hear me calling
You kiss me, I'm falling
When, you, know this is how it should be
Don't, say ,it's like a fantasy

(You kiss me, you touch me)

Relevant Tags:
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Onn Njght L9ke ghis O L9ike gThis On Nijght Li9ke Tghis Om N9ght Llke rhis Omn N9ight Llike rThis Onm Ni9ght Lilke Trhis
Oh Nlght Loke Ohn Nlight Tis Onh Nilght Lioke Tihs Oj Noght Lkke Tjis Ojn Noight Tjhis Onj Nioght Likke Thjis
Ob Nkght L8ke Tuis Obn Nkight L8ike Tuhis Onb Nikght Li8ke Thuis N8ght Luke Tnis N8ight Luike Tnhis Ni8ght Liuke Thnis
Nught Tbis Nuight Lie Tbhis Niught Liek Thbis Nigght Lile Tgis Niht Nihgt Likle Thgis
Nihht Lioe Tyis Nihght Nighht Likoe Thyis Niyht Lime Thiis Niyght Limke Ths Nigyht Likme Thsi
Nibht Lije Thjs

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