Kurt Nilsen
Tearing Me Up Inside

Verse 1:

I've been walking in circles
Watching you everyday
I've been taking every care
Not to scare you away
I've made you my friend
You've put your trust in me
I'm a shoulder t cry on
Whenever you're in need

Verse 2:

I've been reading your ways
Looking for a sign
Is there any chance at all
That I can make you mine
Well I've come this far
but there's a longer way to go
My chances look slim
But soon I will know


It's tearing me up inside
Holding back for you
Feelings are hard to hide
They're 'bout to slip right through
It's tearing me up inside
I don't know what to do
I know I'll lose this fight
How can I let you know

Verse 3:

I've been trying lately
To show you a secret way
I reached out to touch you gently
Stricken by your grace
I just hope that you see
And help me brake this pain
If I lose you by telling
It's all been in vain


It's tearing me up inside
Holding back for you
Feelings are hard to hide
They're 'bout to slip right through
It's tearing me up inside
I don't know what to do
I know I'll lose this fight
How can I let you know ohoh


There was a time before when I thought I was brave
But now I'm here with you I shiver and I shake
I fight the words of love and it all comes crashing down
I close my eyes
I let them go
I have to let you know


It's tearing me up inside
Holding back for you
Feelings are hard to hide
They're 'bout to slip right through ooh
It's tearing me up inside
I don't know what to do
I know I'll lose this fight
How can I let you know that
It's tearing me up insiiiide

It's tearing me up inside
I don't know what to do
I know I'll lose this fight
How can I let you know ohohoh

Mirror lyrics:

How can I let you know ohohoh
I know I'll lose this fight
I don't know what to do
It's tearing me up inside

It's tearing me up insiiiide
How can I let you know that
I know I'll lose this fight
I don't know what to do
It's tearing me up inside
They're 'bout to slip right through ooh
Feelings are hard to hide
Holding back for you
It's tearing me up inside


I have to let you know
I let them go
I close my eyes
I fight the words of love and it all comes crashing down
But now I'm here with you I shiver and I shake
There was a time before when I thought I was brave


How can I let you know ohoh
I know I'll lose this fight
I don't know what to do
It's tearing me up inside
They're 'bout to slip right through
Feelings are hard to hide
Holding back for you
It's tearing me up inside


It's all been in vain
If I lose you by telling
And help me brake this pain
I just hope that you see
Stricken by your grace
I reached out to touch you gently
To show you a secret way
I've been trying lately

Verse 3:

How can I let you know
I know I'll lose this fight
I don't know what to do
It's tearing me up inside
They're 'bout to slip right through
Feelings are hard to hide
Holding back for you
It's tearing me up inside


But soon I will know
My chances look slim
but there's a longer way to go
Well I've come this far
That I can make you mine
Is there any chance at all
Looking for a sign
I've been reading your ways

Verse 2:

Whenever you're in need
I'm a shoulder t cry on
You've put your trust in me
I've made you my friend
Not to scare you away
I've been taking every care
Watching you everyday
I've been walking in circles

Verse 1:

Relevant Tags:
TTearing MMe UUp IInside earing e p nside eTaring eM pU nIside fearing je hp jnside fTearing jMe hUp jInside Tfearing Mje Uhp Ijnside
5earing ke 7p 9nside 5Tearing kMe 7Up 9Inside T5earing Mke U7p I9nside hearing ne kp lnside hTearing nMe kUp lInside Thearing Mne Ukp Ilnside
yearing Mee ip onside yTearing M iUp oInside Tyearing Me Uip Ionside 6earing Ms 8p knside 6Tearing Mse 8Up kInside T6earing Mes U8p Iknside
gearing M3 jp 8nside gTearing M3e jUp 8Inside Tgearing Me3 Ujp I8nside rearing Mf yp unside rTearing Mfe yUp uInside Trearing Mef Uyp Iunside
Teearing Mr Upp Innside Taring Mre U Iside Taering Mer Up Isnide Tsaring M4 U0 Imside Tsearing M4e U0p Imnside Tesaring Me4 Up0 Inmside
T3aring Md Ul Ihside T3earing Mde Ulp Ihnside Te3aring Med Upl Inhside Tfaring Mw Uo Ijside Mwe Uop Tefaring Mew Upo Injside
Traring Ibside Ibnside Teraring Inbside T4aring Insside T4earing Inide Te4aring Inisde
Tdaring Inzide Tdearing Inzside Tedaring Inszide Twaring Inwide Twearing Inwside Tewaring Inswide
Teaaring Indide Tering Indside Teraing Insdide Tezring Ineide Tezaring Ineside Teazring Inseide
Teqring Inxide Teqaring Inxside Teaqring Insxide Tesring Inaide Inaside Teasring Insaide
Tewring Insiide Insde Teawring Insdie Texring Insjde Texaring Insjide Teaxring Insijde
Tearring Ins9de Teaing Ins9ide Teairng Insi9de Teading Inslde Teadring Inslide Tearding Insilde

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