Kula Shaker
Revenge Of The King

Freedom, Spring has come
Healing everyone
God bless the King

Brothers gather around get ready to sing
We've been waiting so long, Revenge of the King

The oil has run dry
The great seas did rise
And the water ran under your door
Everybody knows there'll be more

Freedom, tears of joy
Weeping, love of God
God bless the King

Brothers gather around, get ready to scream
See the demons are afraid
Revenge of the King

There's a breed of man
With blood upon his hands
He was crazy since the day he was born
But we don't have to fear him anymore, anymore

Say I don't wanna die like a rat on a ship
I don't wanna die for somebody's kicks
Give me some fire in my hand
I'm just a loser but, I'm gonna make a stand

Freedom, tears of joy
Weeping, love of God
God bless the King

Mirror lyrics:

God bless the King
Weeping, love of God
Freedom, tears of joy

I'm just a loser but, I'm gonna make a stand
Give me some fire in my hand
I don't wanna die for somebody's kicks
Say I don't wanna die like a rat on a ship

But we don't have to fear him anymore, anymore
He was crazy since the day he was born
With blood upon his hands
There's a breed of man

Revenge of the King
See the demons are afraid
Brothers gather around, get ready to scream

God bless the King
Weeping, love of God
Freedom, tears of joy

Everybody knows there'll be more
And the water ran under your door
The great seas did rise
The oil has run dry

We've been waiting so long, Revenge of the King
Brothers gather around get ready to sing

God bless the King
Healing everyone
Freedom, Spring has come

Relevant Tags:
RRevenge OOf TThe KKing evenge f he ing eRvenge fO hTe iKng devenge kf fhe ling dRevenge kOf fThe lKing Rdevenge Okf Tfhe Kling
4evenge 9f 5he oing 4Revenge 9Of 5The oKing R4evenge O9f T5he Koing gevenge 0f hhe ming gRevenge 0Of hThe mKing Rgevenge O0f Thhe Kming
tevenge lf yhe jing tRevenge lOf yThe jKing Rtevenge Olf Tyhe Kjing 5evenge if 6he iing 5Revenge iOf 6The iKing R5evenge Oif T6he Kiing
fevenge Off ghe fRevenge O gThe Kng Rfevenge Of Tghe Knig eevenge Oc rhe Kjng eRevenge Ocf rThe Reevenge Ofc Trhe Kijng
Or K9ng Rvenge Orf Te K9ing Rveenge Ofr Teh Ki9ng Rsvenge Og Tje Klng Rsevenge Ogf Tjhe Resvenge Ofg Thje Kilng
R3venge Ot Tue Kong R3evenge Otf Tuhe Re3venge Oft Thue Kiong Rfvenge Ov Tne Kkng Ovf Tnhe Kking Refvenge Ofv Thne Kikng
Rrvenge Od Tbe K8ng Rrevenge Odf Tbhe K8ing Rervenge Ofd Thbe Ki8ng R4venge Tge Kung Kuing Re4venge Thge Kiung
Rdvenge Tye Kinng Kig Redvenge Thye Kign Rwvenge Thee Kimg Rwevenge Th Kimng Rewvenge The Kinmg
Revvenge Ths Kihg Reenge Thse Kihng Reevnge Thes Kinhg Rebenge Th3 Kijg Rebvenge Th3e Revbenge The3 Kinjg
Recenge Thf Kibg Recvenge Thfe Kibng Revcenge Thef Kinbg Regenge Thr Kingg Regvenge Thre Kin Revgenge Ther King
Refenge Th4 Kinh Th4e Revfenge The4 Kingh Reveenge Thd Kiny Revnge Thde Kinyg Revnege Thed Kingy
Revsnge Thw Kinb Revsenge Thwe Revesnge Thew Kingb

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