The Night All Angels Cry

As I look back at the things I've done and see the person that I've become I realize I have to pay the dues for setting loose this sea of flames.
As I review the path I chose, all the damage caused.
Judgement day for me has come, I ask myself was it right, was I wrong ?
This is the night all angels cry and their tears set heaven alight.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding and no one but myself to blame.
This is the night all angels cry as they're falling with wings on fire.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding, I'm the one who has to pay.
Now that I'm done reflecting on my past for me there'll be no “peace at last”.
Cause I can't wash my hands of all the bloodshed, all the pain I caused And as the sands of time run low can't find my way home.
Judgement day for me has come, I ask myself was it right, was I wrong ?
This is the night all angels cry and their tears set heaven alight.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding and no one but myself to blame.
This is the night all angels cry as they're falling with wings on fire.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding, I'm the one who has to pay.
The time has come for you to go now, everybody's got to pay somehow Step up and take your final bow now, make sure to close the door on your way out.
This is the night all angels cry and their tears set heaven alight.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding and no one but myself to blame.
This is the night all angels cry as they're falling with wings on fire.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding, I'm the one who has to pay.

Mirror lyrics:

This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding, I'm the one who has to pay.
This is the night all angels cry as they're falling with wings on fire.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding and no one but myself to blame.
This is the night all angels cry and their tears set heaven alight.
The time has come for you to go now, everybody's got to pay somehow Step up and take your final bow now, make sure to close the door on your way out.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding, I'm the one who has to pay.
This is the night all angels cry as they're falling with wings on fire.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding and no one but myself to blame.
This is the night all angels cry and their tears set heaven alight.
Judgement day for me has come, I ask myself was it right, was I wrong ?
Cause I can't wash my hands of all the bloodshed, all the pain I caused And as the sands of time run low can't find my way home.
Now that I'm done reflecting on my past for me there'll be no “peace at last”.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding, I'm the one who has to pay.
This is the night all angels cry as they're falling with wings on fire.
This is a night of screaming, the sky is bleeding and no one but myself to blame.
This is the night all angels cry and their tears set heaven alight.
Judgement day for me has come, I ask myself was it right, was I wrong ?
As I review the path I chose, all the damage caused.
As I look back at the things I've done and see the person that I've become I realize I have to pay the dues for setting loose this sea of flames.

Relevant Tags:
TThe NNight AAll AAngels CCry he ight ll ngels ry hTe iNght lAl nAgels rCy fhe might zll zngels fry fThe mNight zAll zAngels fCry Tfhe Nmight Azll Azngels Cfry
5he hight qll qngels xry 5The hNight qAll qAngels xCry T5he Nhight Aqll Aqngels Cxry hhe jight sll sngels vry hThe jNight sAll sAngels vCry Thhe Njight Asll Asngels Cvry
yhe bight wll wngels dry yThe bNight wAll wAngels dCry Tyhe Nbight Awll Awngels Cdry 6he Niight xll xngels Crry 6The Nght xAll xAngels Cy T6he Ngiht Axll Axngels Cyr
ghe Njght Alll Anngels Cdy gThe Al Agels Tghe Nijght All Agnels Crdy rhe N9ght Akl Amgels C4y rThe N9ight Akll Amngels C4ry Trhe Ni9ght Alkl Anmgels Cr4y
Nlght Aol Ahgels Cgy Te Nlight Aoll Ahngels Cgry Teh Nilght Alol Anhgels Crgy Tje Noght Apl Ajgels Cty Tjhe Noight Apll Ajngels Ctry Thje Nioght Alpl Anjgels Crty
Tue Nkght Abgels C5y Tuhe Nkight Abngels C5ry Thue Nikght Anbgels Cr5y Tne N8ght Alk Anggels Cfy Tnhe N8ight Anels Thne Ni8ght Allk Anegls Crfy
Tbe Nught Alo Anhels Cey Tbhe Nuight Cery Thbe Niught Allo Anghels Crey Tge Nigght Alp Anyels Cryy Niht Anygels Cr Thge Nihgt Allp Angyels Cry
Tye Nihht Anbels Crg Nihght Thye Nighht Angbels Cryg Thee Niyht Anvels Crh Th Niyght Anvgels Crhy The Nigyht Angvels Cryh
Ths Nibht Anfels Cr6 Thse Nibght Anfgels Cr6y Thes Nigbht Angfels Cry6 Th3 Nivht Antels Cru Th3e Nivght Antgels Cruy The3 Nigvht Angtels Cryu

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