Lady & Bird
La Ballade Of Lady And Bird

Bird :

Lady :
Yes Bird?

Bird :
It's cold

Lady :
I know

Lady :
I cannot see a thing

Bird :
It's all in your mind

Lady :
I'm worried

Bird :
No one will come to see us

Lady :
Maybe they come but we just don't see them
What do you see?

Bird :
I see what's outside

Lady :
And what exactly is outside?

Bird :
It's grown-ups

Lady :
Well maybe if we scream they can hear us

Bird :
Yeah, maybe we should try to scream

Lady :
Ok, Bird

Lady & Bird :
Heeeelp, Heeeelp
Can you hear us now ?
Hello !
Help !
Hello it's me
Can you see
Can you see me
I'm here
Nana come and take us
Are you there

Lady :
I don't think they can hear us

Bird :
I can hear you lady

Bird :
Do you want to come with me lady

Lady :
Will you be nice to me Bird

Lady :
You're always be nice to me because you're my friend

Bird :
I try but sometimes I make mistakes

Lady :
Nana says we all make mistakes

Bird :
Maybe we should scream more

Lady :
Yes, Bird let's scream more

Lady & Bird :
Help ! Help us ! Come on ! Help
Hello !
Hello !
We're lost

Lady :
I don't think they cannot see us

Bird :
Nobody likes us

Lady :
But they all seem so big

Bird :
Maybe we should just jump

Lady :
What if we fall from the bridge and then nobody can catch us

Bird :
I don't know let's just see what happens

Lady :

Bird :
Come with me

Lady :
Shall we do it together

Bird :

Lady & Bird :
1 2 3....Aaaaaaah

Bird :

Lady :
Yes Bird

Bird :
It's cold

Lady :
I know

Lady :
Bird...I cannot see a thing

Bird :
It's all in your mind

Mirror lyrics:

It's all in your mind
Bird :

Bird...I cannot see a thing
Lady :

I know
Lady :

It's cold
Bird :

Yes Bird
Lady :

Bird :

1 2 3....Aaaaaaah
Lady & Bird :

Bird :

Shall we do it together
Lady :

Come with me
Bird :

Lady :

I don't know let's just see what happens
Bird :

What if we fall from the bridge and then nobody can catch us
Lady :

Maybe we should just jump
Bird :

But they all seem so big
Lady :

Nobody likes us
Bird :

I don't think they cannot see us
Lady :

We're lost
Hello !
Hello !
Help ! Help us ! Come on ! Help
Lady & Bird :

Yes, Bird let's scream more
Lady :

Maybe we should scream more
Bird :

Nana says we all make mistakes
Lady :

I try but sometimes I make mistakes
Bird :

You're always be nice to me because you're my friend
Lady :

Will you be nice to me Bird
Lady :

Do you want to come with me lady
Bird :

I can hear you lady
Bird :

I don't think they can hear us
Lady :

Are you there
Nana come and take us
I'm here
Can you see me
Can you see
Hello it's me
Help !
Hello !
Can you hear us now ?
Heeeelp, Heeeelp
Lady & Bird :

Ok, Bird
Lady :

Yeah, maybe we should try to scream
Bird :

Well maybe if we scream they can hear us
Lady :

It's grown-ups
Bird :

And what exactly is outside?
Lady :

I see what's outside
Bird :

What do you see?
Maybe they come but we just don't see them
Lady :

No one will come to see us
Bird :

I'm worried
Lady :

It's all in your mind
Bird :

I cannot see a thing
Lady :

I know
Lady :

It's cold
Bird :

Yes Bird?
Lady :

Bird :

Relevant Tags:
LLa BBallade OOf LLady AAnd BBird a allade f ady nd ird aL aBllade fO aLdy nAd iBrd ka vallade kf kady znd vird kLa vBallade kOf kLady zAnd vBird
Lka Bvallade Okf Lkady Aznd Bvird oa gallade 9f oady qnd gird oLa gBallade 9Of oLady qAnd gBird Loa Bgallade O9f Loady Aqnd Bgird pa nallade 0f pady snd nird
pLa nBallade 0Of pLady sAnd nBird Lpa Bnallade O0f Lpady Asnd Bnird Laa hallade lf Laady wnd hird L hBallade lOf Ldy wAnd hBird La Bhallade Olf Lday Awnd Bhird
Lz Baallade if Lzdy xnd Biird Lza Bllade iOf Lzady xAnd Brd Laz Blalade Oif Lazdy Axnd Brid Lq Bzllade Off Lqdy Annd Bjrd Lqa Bzallade O Lqady Ad Bjird
Laq Bazllade Of Laqdy Adn Bijrd Ls Bqllade Oc Lsdy Amd B9rd Lsa Bqallade Ocf Lsady Amnd B9ird Las Baqllade Ofc Lasdy Anmd Bi9rd Lw Bsllade Or Lwdy Ahd Blrd
Lwa Bsallade Orf Lwady Ahnd Blird Law Basllade Ofr Lawdy Anhd Bilrd Lx Bwllade Og Lxdy Ajd Bord Lxa Bwallade Ogf Lxady Ajnd Boird Lax Bawllade Ofg Laxdy Anjd Biord
Bxllade Ot Laddy Abd Bkrd Bxallade Otf Lay Abnd Bkird Baxllade Oft Layd Anbd Bikrd Balllade Ov Laxy Andd B8rd Balade Ovf An B8ird
Ballade Ofv Ladxy And Bi8rd Baklade Od Laey Anx Burd Bakllade Odf Laedy Anxd Buird Balklade Ofd Ladey Andx Biurd Baolade Lafy Ane Birrd
Baollade Lafdy Aned Bid Balolade Ladfy Ande Bidr Baplade Lary Anf Bidd Bapllade Lardy Anfd Bidrd Balplade Ladry Andf Birdd
Lacy Anr Bi4d Lacdy Anrd Bi4rd Balalde Ladcy Andr Bir4d Balkade Lasy Anc Bigd Ancd Bigrd
Ballkade Ladsy Andc Birgd Baloade Ladyy Ans Bitd Lad Ansd Bitrd Balloade Lady Ands Birtd

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