The Turning Point

Poutaiset pilvet haihtuvat katoen
nopeasti tuulten mukana kuin
tämä uni jossa en enää sinua tavoita
on liian myöhäistä

In a dream I saw the world beyond - no tongues telling lies
The silence was covering everything inside
In a dream I saw myself - fallen down next to me
Couldn't crawl back inside my body

No laughter on my face - reality mirrored in the deep signs of life
Too long sacrificed my feelings to the ones
Who take all 'till there's nothing in the end

I'm not in my aim - I've gotta love also the other half of me
To reach the Turning point
As only in my dreams I'm my biggest enemy

Till I'd found out that I only loved your half in me
So much time I spent - not knowing myself
Too much love I'd given for everyone but nothing for me
My light was burning 'till the end

Now you showed me that two full halves make a stronger one
Also out of me and I feel the strength
Returning into me I new-found love again

Couldn't have been fighting alone
Thank you for hearing me on time
I bless you for the trust you gave
When I didn't admit being weak

I am close to my aim truly hoping
I won't fail
Before I reach The turning point
Where we're no longer the same

Didn't notice me change
Was not living the days without names
Now I'm here with you
To stay beyond
The turning point
Of my dreams

O found my aim - now I can face myself
I thank you for
Loving me
And keeping us on the right way

Mirror lyrics:

And keeping us on the right way
Loving me
I thank you for
O found my aim - now I can face myself

Of my dreams
The turning point
To stay beyond
Now I'm here with you
Was not living the days without names
Didn't notice me change

Where we're no longer the same
Before I reach The turning point
I won't fail
I am close to my aim truly hoping

When I didn't admit being weak
I bless you for the trust you gave
Thank you for hearing me on time
Couldn't have been fighting alone

Returning into me I new-found love again
Also out of me and I feel the strength
Now you showed me that two full halves make a stronger one

My light was burning 'till the end
Too much love I'd given for everyone but nothing for me
So much time I spent - not knowing myself
Till I'd found out that I only loved your half in me

As only in my dreams I'm my biggest enemy
To reach the Turning point
I'm not in my aim - I've gotta love also the other half of me

Who take all 'till there's nothing in the end
Too long sacrificed my feelings to the ones
No laughter on my face - reality mirrored in the deep signs of life

Couldn't crawl back inside my body
In a dream I saw myself - fallen down next to me
The silence was covering everything inside
In a dream I saw the world beyond - no tongues telling lies

on liian myöhäistä
tämä uni jossa en enää sinua tavoita
nopeasti tuulten mukana kuin
Poutaiset pilvet haihtuvat katoen

Relevant Tags:
TThe TTurning PPoint he urning oint hTe uTrning oPint fhe furning 0oint fThe fTurning 0Point Tfhe Tfurning P0oint
5he 5urning loint 5The 5Turning lPoint T5he T5urning Ploint hhe hurning ooint hThe hTurning oPoint Thhe Thurning Pooint
yhe yurning yThe yTurning Pint Tyhe Tyurning Piont 6he 6urning Pkint 6The 6Turning Pkoint T6he T6urning Pokint
ghe gurning P9int gThe gTurning P9oint Tghe Tgurning Po9int rhe rurning P0int rThe rTurning Trhe Trurning Po0int
Tuurning Plint Te Trning Teh Truning Polint Tje Thrning Piint Tjhe Pioint Thje Tuhrning Poiint
Tue T7rning Tuhe T7urning Pont Thue Tu7rning Ponit Tne Tkrning Pojnt Tnhe Tkurning Pojint Thne Tukrning Poijnt
Tbe Tirning Po9nt Tbhe Tiurning Thbe Tuirning Poi9nt Tge T8rning Polnt T8urning Thge Tu8rning Poilnt
Tye Tjrning Poont Tjurning Thye Tujrning Poiont Thee Tyrning Poknt Th The Tuyrning Poiknt
Ths Turrning Po8nt Thse Tuning Po8int Thes Tunring Poi8nt Th3 Tudning Pount Th3e Tudrning Pouint The3 Turdning Poiunt
Thf Tu4ning Poinnt Thfe Tu4rning Poit Thef Tur4ning Poitn Thr Tugning Poimt Thre Tugrning Poimnt Ther Turgning Poinmt
Th4 Tutning Poiht Th4e Tutrning Poihnt The4 Turtning Poinht Thd Tu5ning Poijt Thde Tu5rning Thed Tur5ning Poinjt
Thw Tufning Poibt Thwe Tufrning Poibnt Thew Turfning Poinbt Tuening Pointt Tuerning Poin

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