Not Every Pain Hurts

When you have the will
You learn to forgive and to forget
You have to -
Collect the broken pieces and
Humble hearted
Stand up from the place you hide
If i wouldn´t know to miss anything
It couldn´t hurt me no more
Mistakes tought to build life
From the ashes, that fell down to ground

Without any pain it wouldn´t be the same
Experiences made me strong -
Not every pain hurts
Deep inside
When you learn to devide
Don´t fear the danger
Follow your heart to the light
Live your dream and breath

When you listen to yourself
Don´t always expect
To find understanding
It takes time
You may loose your faith
But don´t be afraid To find the solution

That heavy wasn´t my load
That i wouldn´t also try
To carry yours
My burning heart - unbearable!
My optimistic mind - collapsed!

Without any pain it wouldn´t be the same
Experiences made me strong -
Not every pain hurts
Deep inside
When you learn to devide
Don´t fear the danger
Follow your heart to the light
Live your dream and breath

Mirror lyrics:

Live your dream and breath
Follow your heart to the light
Don´t fear the danger
When you learn to devide
Deep inside
Not every pain hurts
Experiences made me strong -
Without any pain it wouldn´t be the same

My optimistic mind - collapsed!
My burning heart - unbearable!
To carry yours
That i wouldn´t also try
That heavy wasn´t my load

But don´t be afraid To find the solution
You may loose your faith
It takes time
To find understanding
Don´t always expect
When you listen to yourself

Live your dream and breath
Follow your heart to the light
Don´t fear the danger
When you learn to devide
Deep inside
Not every pain hurts
Experiences made me strong -
Without any pain it wouldn´t be the same

From the ashes, that fell down to ground
Mistakes tought to build life
It couldn´t hurt me no more
If i wouldn´t know to miss anything
Stand up from the place you hide
Humble hearted
Collect the broken pieces and
You have to -
You learn to forgive and to forget
When you have the will

Relevant Tags:
NNot EEvery PPain HHurts ot very ain urts oNt vEery aPin uHrts mot svery 0ain jurts mNot sEvery 0Pain jHurts Nmot Esvery P0ain Hjurts
hot 3very lain uurts hNot 3Every lPain uHurts Nhot E3very Plain Huurts jot fvery oain nurts jNot fEvery oPain nHurts Njot Efvery Poain Hnurts
bot rvery Paain burts bNot rEvery Pin bHurts Nbot Ervery Pian Hburts Noot 4very Pzin gurts Nt 4Every Pzain gHurts Nto E4very Pazin Hgurts
Nkt dvery Pqin yurts Nkot dEvery Pqain yHurts Nokt Edvery Paqin Hyurts N9t wvery Psin N9ot wEvery Psain Hrts No9t Ewvery Pasin Hruts
N0t Evvery Pwin Hhrts N0ot Eery Pwain Hhurts No0t Eevry Pawin Huhrts Nlt Ebery Pxin H7rts Nlot Ebvery Pxain H7urts Nolt Evbery Paxin Hu7rts
Nit Ecery Paiin Hkrts Niot Ecvery Pan Hkurts Noit Evcery Pani Hukrts Nott Egery Pajn Hirts No Egvery Pajin Hiurts Not Evgery Paijn Huirts
Nof Efery Pa9n H8rts Noft Pa9in H8urts Notf Evfery Pai9n Hu8rts No5 Eveery Paln Hjrts No5t Evry Palin Not5 Evrey Pailn Hujrts
Noh Evsry Paon Hyrts Noht Evsery Paoin Noth Evesry Paion Huyrts Noy Ev3ry Pakn Hurrts Noyt Ev3ery Pakin Huts Noty Eve3ry Paikn Hutrs
No6 Evfry Pa8n Hudts No6t Pa8in Hudrts Not6 Evefry Pai8n Hurdts Nog Evrry Paun Hu4ts Nogt Evrery Pauin Hu4rts

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