Kristin Hersh
Rock Candy Brains

Must've been on mushrooms when you wrote that pile of junk
Got rock candy brains and that head of yours
Full of holes, full of holes

Terry cloth's about the only comfort I'm allowed
What with all the rain and this house of yours
Full of holes, full of holes

I'm about through being your plaything
I'm about through being your gin
I'm about through being your water

Do you want to spend another night under the porch ?
We could light a candle and this rotten wood
Up in flames, up in flames

Your orange fingers are glowing hot
I think your sneaker's on fire
Up in flames, up in flames

I'm about through being your plaything
I'm about through being your gin
I'm about through being your water

One breath after lights out
The rest under night's spell

Mirror lyrics:

The rest under night's spell
One breath after lights out

I'm about through being your water
I'm about through being your gin
I'm about through being your plaything

Up in flames, up in flames
I think your sneaker's on fire
Your orange fingers are glowing hot

Up in flames, up in flames
We could light a candle and this rotten wood
Do you want to spend another night under the porch ?

I'm about through being your water
I'm about through being your gin
I'm about through being your plaything

Full of holes, full of holes
What with all the rain and this house of yours
Terry cloth's about the only comfort I'm allowed

Full of holes, full of holes
Got rock candy brains and that head of yours
Must've been on mushrooms when you wrote that pile of junk

Relevant Tags:
RRock CCandy BBrains ock andy rains oRck aCndy rBains dock fandy vrains dRock fCandy vBrains Rdock Cfandy Bvrains
4ock xandy grains 4Rock xCandy gBrains R4ock Cxandy Bgrains gock vandy nrains gRock vCandy nBrains Rgock Cvandy Bnrains
tock dandy hrains tRock dCandy hBrains Rtock Cdandy Bhrains 5ock Caandy Brrains 5Rock Cndy Bains R5ock Cnady Barins
fock Czndy Bdains fRock Czandy Bdrains Rfock Cazndy Brdains eock Cqndy B4ains eRock Cqandy B4rains Reock Caqndy Br4ains
Roock Csndy Bgains Rck Csandy Rcok Casndy Brgains Rkck Cwndy Btains Rkock Cwandy Btrains Rokck Cawndy Brtains
R9ck Cxndy B5ains R9ock B5rains Ro9ck Caxndy Br5ains R0ck Canndy Bfains R0ock Cady Bfrains Ro0ck Cadny Brfains
Rlck Camdy Beains Rlock Camndy Berains Rolck Canmdy Breains Rick Cahdy Braains Riock Cahndy Brins Roick Canhdy Brians
Rocck Cajdy Brzins Rok Cajndy Brzains Rokc Canjdy Brazins Rofk Cabdy Brqins Rofck Cabndy Brqains Rocfk Canbdy Braqins
Roxk Canddy Brsins Roxck Cany Brsains Rocxk Canyd Brasins Rovk Canxy Brwins Rovck Canxdy Brwains Rocvk Candxy Brawins
Rodk Caney Brxins Rodck Canedy Brxains Rocdk Candey Braxins Rockk Canfy Braiins

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