Kristen Barry
Ordinary Life

And I shed my soul, feel it kneeling down
I'm clutching my faith, pull it tightly around
You're moving your mouth, but you don't make a sound
But I feel the walls sowly tearing down
Heel to toe take you from my side
In and out every breath divides
My eyes to your head, I can't go the distance
But when you go you take me in an instant
But in this life, I'll give it time
Cause it's always spinnin' up from behind
It'll be alright, it will be fine
Cause it's nothing more than ordinary life
So I'll show you my sins, show me all your scars
As we settle in it's written in the stars
Your watery eyes got me simply floating
And my weak heart is swimming with devotion
But in this life,I'll give it time
Cause it's always spinnin' up from behind
It'll be alright, it will be fine
Cause it's nothing more than ordinary life

Mirror lyrics:

Cause it's nothing more than ordinary life
It'll be alright, it will be fine
Cause it's always spinnin' up from behind
But in this life,I'll give it time
And my weak heart is swimming with devotion
Your watery eyes got me simply floating
As we settle in it's written in the stars
So I'll show you my sins, show me all your scars
Cause it's nothing more than ordinary life
It'll be alright, it will be fine
Cause it's always spinnin' up from behind
But in this life, I'll give it time
But when you go you take me in an instant
My eyes to your head, I can't go the distance
In and out every breath divides
Heel to toe take you from my side
But I feel the walls sowly tearing down
You're moving your mouth, but you don't make a sound
I'm clutching my faith, pull it tightly around
And I shed my soul, feel it kneeling down

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Ordiinary Lif3 Ordnary Lif3e Ordniary Life3 Ordjnary Liff Ordjinary Ordijnary Lifef Ord9nary Lifr Ord9inary Ordi9nary Lifer
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