Monarch Of Mighty Darkness

When the wolfs howl in sorrow
And the sun is as pale as snow
When darkness sweeps the land
And the seas have turned to blood
We shall once more come forth
Forever to rule this world
Behold the sons of darkness
Eternal kings of the night

Our noble souls
Lead a march of victory
Into the kingdom of darkness
Rejoice on our glorious path
Hear our words
Like landscapes frozen in time
We raise our swords
To the final conquering darkness

When lightning cracks the sky
And darkness reaps the light
Kneel before us earth and sea
And grant us with your might
To the Castle of Blackhearts we ride
A blaze in the noblemans eyes
A whirling storm of mist
Shall carry the monarchs into victory

On thrones raised by sorrow
With crowns forged with blood
We rule in endless time
Eternal kings of the night
Cold night...freezing night
In times before the light

Mirror lyrics:

In times before the light
Cold night...freezing night
Eternal kings of the night
We rule in endless time
With crowns forged with blood
On thrones raised by sorrow

Shall carry the monarchs into victory
A whirling storm of mist
A blaze in the noblemans eyes
To the Castle of Blackhearts we ride
And grant us with your might
Kneel before us earth and sea
And darkness reaps the light
When lightning cracks the sky

To the final conquering darkness
We raise our swords
Like landscapes frozen in time
Hear our words
Rejoice on our glorious path
Into the kingdom of darkness
Lead a march of victory
Our noble souls

Eternal kings of the night
Behold the sons of darkness
Forever to rule this world
We shall once more come forth
And the seas have turned to blood
When darkness sweeps the land
And the sun is as pale as snow
When the wolfs howl in sorrow

Relevant Tags:
MMonarch OOf MMighty DDarkness onarch f ighty arkness oMnarch fO iMghty aDrkness jonarch kf jighty xarkness jMonarch kOf jMighty xDarkness
Mjonarch Okf Mjighty Dxarkness konarch 9f kighty earkness kMonarch 9Of kMighty eDarkness Mkonarch O9f Mkighty Dearkness nonarch 0f nighty farkness
nMonarch 0Of nMighty fDarkness Mnonarch O0f Mnighty Dfarkness Moonarch lf Miighty rarkness Mnarch lOf Mghty rDarkness Mnoarch Olf Mgihty Drarkness
Mknarch if Mjghty carkness iOf cDarkness Moknarch Oif Mijghty Dcarkness M9narch Off M9ghty sarkness M9onarch O M9ighty sDarkness
Mo9narch Of Mi9ghty Dsarkness M0narch Oc Mlghty Daarkness M0onarch Ocf Mlighty Drkness Mo0narch Ofc Milghty Drakness Mlnarch Or Moghty Dzrkness
Mlonarch Orf Moighty Dzarkness Molnarch Ofr Mioghty Dazrkness Minarch Og Mkghty Dqrkness Mionarch Ogf Dqarkness Moinarch Ofg Mikghty Daqrkness
Monnarch Ot M8ghty Dsrkness Moarch Otf M8ighty Moanrch Oft Mi8ghty Dasrkness Momarch Ov Mughty Dwrkness Momnarch Ovf Muighty Dwarkness
Monmarch Ofv Miughty Dawrkness Moharch Od Migghty Dxrkness Mohnarch Odf Mihty Monharch Ofd Mihgty Daxrkness Mojarch Mihhty Darrkness
Mojnarch Mihghty Dakness Monjarch Mighhty Dakrness Mobarch Miyhty Dadkness Mobnarch Miyghty Dadrkness Monbarch Migyhty Dardkness
Monaarch Mibhty Da4kness Monrch Mibghty Da4rkness Monrach Migbhty Dar4kness Monzrch Mivhty Dagkness Monzarch Mivghty Dagrkness
Monazrch Migvhty Dargkness Monqrch Mifhty Datkness Monqarch Mifghty Datrkness Monaqrch Migfhty Dartkness Monsrch Mithty Da5kness
Monsarch Mitghty Da5rkness Monasrch Migthty Dar5kness Monwrch Dafkness Monwarch Migty Dafrkness Monawrch Migthy Darfkness
Monxrch Migjty Daekness Monxarch Migjhty Daerkness Monaxrch Mighjty Darekness Monarrch Miguty Darkkness Monach Miguhty Darness
Monacrh Mighuty Darnkess Monadch Mignty Darlness Monadrch Mignhty Darlkness Monardch Mighnty Darklness Mona4ch Migbty Daroness
Mona4rch Darokness Monar4ch Mighbty Darkoness Monagch Miggty Darmness

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