Zero To None

Dominance in devotion
Grabs us and disappears
Have to take some direction
Through the glass that we must break
Zero to none
Killing radical
The instinct to destroy what's left
Lives in everyone
All prepared for the moment
Yet to come complete the rest
Patriots all confused by
Characters of broken men
Zero to none
Killing radical
The instinct to destroy what's left
Lives on in everyone
A dream within a dream
A womb within a grave
Calm without a riot
Every heart, every soul, all the trust
Terror wars are radical
A dream within a dream
A womb within a grave
Calm within a riot
All the peace, all the hope, all the trust
As desperation takes everyone
God's hell is radical

Mirror lyrics:

God's hell is radical
As desperation takes everyone
All the peace, all the hope, all the trust
Calm within a riot
A womb within a grave
A dream within a dream
Terror wars are radical
Every heart, every soul, all the trust
Calm without a riot
A womb within a grave
A dream within a dream
Lives on in everyone
The instinct to destroy what's left
Killing radical
Zero to none
Characters of broken men
Patriots all confused by
Yet to come complete the rest
All prepared for the moment
Lives in everyone
The instinct to destroy what's left
Killing radical
Zero to none
Through the glass that we must break
Have to take some direction
Grabs us and disappears
Dominance in devotion

Relevant Tags:
ZZero TTo NNone ero o one eZro oT oNne aero fo mone aZero fTo mNone Zaero Tfo Nmone sero 5o hone sZero 5To hNone Zsero T5o Nhone
xero ho jone xZero hTo jNone Zxero Tho Njone Zeero yo bone Zro yTo bNone Zreo Tyo Nbone Zsro 6o Noone 6To Nne Zesro T6o Nnoe
Z3ro go Nkne Z3ero gTo Nkone Ze3ro Tgo Nokne Zfro ro N9ne Zfero rTo N9one Zefro Tro No9ne Zrro Too N0ne Zrero T N0one Zerro To No0ne
Z4ro Tk Nlne Z4ero Tko Nlone Ze4ro Tok Nolne Zdro T9 Nine Zdero T9o Nione Zedro To9 Noine Zwro T0 Nonne Zwero T0o Noe Zewro To0 Noen

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