Way Out

Give me one last kiss
Before I walk out of this
Give me some money
'Cos I'm right in a hurry
To get a way out of this
But I'm telling you this
That I don't aim to miss
To get a way out of this...
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Let me tell you this
Before I walk out of this
Some say it's sunny but
I don't think that's funny
And I'm telling you this
'Cos I don't aim to miss
To get a way out of this...
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Bid me one last wish
Before I walk out of this
Give me the hammer to shatter the dream
To get a way out of this...

Mirror lyrics:

To get a way out of this...
Give me the hammer to shatter the dream
Before I walk out of this
Bid me one last wish
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Give it all you got now
To get a way out of this...
'Cos I don't aim to miss
And I'm telling you this
I don't think that's funny
Some say it's sunny but
Before I walk out of this
Let me tell you this
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Give it all you got now
Give it all you got now - Yeah give a little
Give it all you got now
To get a way out of this...
That I don't aim to miss
But I'm telling you this
To get a way out of this
'Cos I'm right in a hurry
Give me some money
Before I walk out of this
Give me one last kiss

Relevant Tags:
WWay OOut ay ut aWy uOt aay kut aWay kOut Waay Okut 3ay 9ut 3Way 9Out W3ay O9ut day 0ut dWay 0Out
Wday O0ut eay lut eWay lOut Weay Olut say iut sWay iOut Wsay Oiut 2ay Ouut 2Way Ot W2ay Otu qay Oht
qWay Ohut Wqay Ouht O7t Wy O7ut Wya Ou7t Wzy Okt Wzay Wazy Oukt Wqy Oit

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