Son Of A Gun

If you want I'll sell you a life story
About a man who's at loggerheads with his past all the time
He's alive and living in purgatory
All he's doing is rooming up in hotels
And scooping up lots of wine
There was once a boy of life
Who lived upon a knife
He took his share of everywhere
But he never took a wife...
He was born to live like a mercenary
Well personally I think that's fine
If you're in the right mind
He was burned by the twentieth century
Now he's doing time
In the back of his mind
He can hear them outside
Better run, Rabbit run
Run into the sun
Kick your heels in the killing fields
Run rabbit run
You're a son of a gun

Mirror lyrics:

You're a son of a gun
Run rabbit run
Kick your heels in the killing fields
Run into the sun
Better run, Rabbit run
He can hear them outside
In the back of his mind
Now he's doing time
He was burned by the twentieth century
If you're in the right mind
Well personally I think that's fine
He was born to live like a mercenary
But he never took a wife...
He took his share of everywhere
Who lived upon a knife
There was once a boy of life
And scooping up lots of wine
All he's doing is rooming up in hotels
He's alive and living in purgatory
About a man who's at loggerheads with his past all the time
If you want I'll sell you a life story

Relevant Tags:
SSon OOf AA GGun on f un oSn fO A uGn zon kf z hun zSon kOf zA hGun Szon Okf Az Ghun won 9f q yun wSon 9Of qA yGun Swon O9f Aq Gyun
don 0f s bun dSon 0Of sA bGun Sdon O0f As Gbun eon lf w vun eSon lOf wA vGun Seon Olf Aw Gvun xon if x fun xSon iOf xA fGun Sxon Oif Ax Gfun
aon Off tun aSon O tGun Saon Of Gtun Soon Oc Guun Sn Ocf Gn Sno Ofc Gnu Skn Or Ghn Skon Orf Sokn Ofr Guhn
S9n Og G7n

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