Nothing Left

I had nothing, but you bought it
I knew someday you were bound to change
You can't stop me, this is my time
The more I try, still don't know your name

Inside I'm breaking, don't owe you nothing

I don't care for what you're thinking
There's nothing left to hate
I don't care I'm always breaking
You're my best mistake

I wanted to become you
If you don't mind if I take your place
Now think of me, like I loved you
But I can't stand to see me fake like this

Inside I'm breaking, don't owe you nothing

I don't care for what you're thinking
There's nothing left to hate
I don't care I'm always breaking
You're my best mistake

I.don't care

Yeah! There's nothing left, there nothing left to hate!
I don't care for what you're thinking
There's nothing left to hate
I don't care I'm always breaking
You're my best mistake
I don't care
You're my best mistake
I don't care
You're my best mistake
There's nothing left to hate

Mirror lyrics:

There's nothing left to hate
You're my best mistake
I don't care
You're my best mistake
I don't care
You're my best mistake
I don't care I'm always breaking
There's nothing left to hate
I don't care for what you're thinking
Yeah! There's nothing left, there nothing left to hate!

I.don't care

You're my best mistake
I don't care I'm always breaking
There's nothing left to hate
I don't care for what you're thinking

Inside I'm breaking, don't owe you nothing

But I can't stand to see me fake like this
Now think of me, like I loved you
If you don't mind if I take your place
I wanted to become you

You're my best mistake
I don't care I'm always breaking
There's nothing left to hate
I don't care for what you're thinking

Inside I'm breaking, don't owe you nothing

The more I try, still don't know your name
You can't stop me, this is my time
I knew someday you were bound to change
I had nothing, but you bought it

Relevant Tags:
NNothing LLeft othing eft oNthing eLft mothing keft mNothing kLeft Nmothing Lkeft hothing oeft hNothing oLeft Nhothing Loeft
jothing peft jNothing pLeft Njothing Lpeft bothing Leeft bNothing Lft Nbothing Lfet Noothing Lsft Nthing Lseft Ntohing Lesft
Nkthing L3ft Nkothing L3eft Nokthing Le3ft N9thing Lfft N9othing Lfeft No9thing Lefft N0thing Lrft N0othing Lreft No0thing Lerft
Nlthing L4ft Nlothing L4eft Nolthing Le4ft Nithing Ldft Niothing Ldeft Noithing Ledft Notthing Lwft Nohing Lweft Nohting Lewft
Nofhing Nofthing Let Notfhing Letf No5hing Lect No5thing Lecft Not5hing Lefct Nohhing Lert Nohthing Nothhing Lefrt
Noyhing Legt Noything Legft Notyhing Lefgt No6hing Lett No6thing Letft Not6hing Leftt Noghing Levt Nogthing Levft Notghing Lefvt
Norhing Ledt Northing Notrhing Lefdt Noting Lef Notihng Left Notjing Leff Notjhing Nothjing Leftf Notuing Lef5
Notuhing Lef5t

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