Repeat To Fade

Recently I've been feeling kinda restless
Suddenly im rememb'rin'
Theres no use in pretendin'
Im not receiving
Cuz you ain't sending
What I need
Or you just don't have it
What is this some kinda force of habit

Stop we start again
As it goes on Repeat to fade
Come with me and u will see a new beginning
As we go on repeat to fade
Stop we start again
As it goes on
Repeat to fade
Come with me and u will see a new beginning
As we go on repeat to fade

Recently I've been thinking its not easy
Finally I believe it
There's no use in pretending
Im not receiving
U ain't sending
What I need
Or u just don't have it
What is this a force of habit


Always going on


Mirror lyrics:


Always going on


What is this a force of habit
Or u just don't have it
What I need
U ain't sending
Im not receiving
There's no use in pretending
Finally I believe it
Recently I've been thinking its not easy

As we go on repeat to fade
Come with me and u will see a new beginning
Repeat to fade
As it goes on
Stop we start again
As we go on repeat to fade
Come with me and u will see a new beginning
As it goes on Repeat to fade
Stop we start again

What is this some kinda force of habit
Or you just don't have it
What I need
Cuz you ain't sending
Im not receiving
Theres no use in pretendin'
Suddenly im rememb'rin'
Recently I've been feeling kinda restless

Relevant Tags:
RRepeat TTo FFade epeat o ade eRpeat oT aFde depeat fo cade dRepeat fTo cFade Rdepeat Tfo Fcade 4epeat 5o rade 4Repeat 5To rFade
R4epeat T5o Frade gepeat ho gade gRepeat hTo gFade Rgepeat Tho Fgade tepeat yo tade tRepeat yTo tFade Rtepeat Tyo Ftade 5epeat 6o vade
5Repeat 6To vFade R5epeat T6o Fvade fepeat go dade fRepeat gTo dFade Rfepeat Tgo Fdade eepeat ro Faade eRepeat rTo Fde Reepeat Tro Fdae
Too Fzde Rpeat T Fzade Rpeeat To Fazde Rspeat Tk Fqde Rsepeat Tko Fqade Respeat Tok Faqde R3peat T9 Fsde R3epeat T9o Fsade
Re3peat To9 Fasde Rfpeat T0 Fwde T0o Fwade Refpeat To0 Fawde Rrpeat Tl Fxde Rrepeat Tlo Fxade Rerpeat Tol Faxde R4peat Ti Fadde
Tio Fae Re4peat Toi Faed Rdpeat Faxe Redpeat Fadxe Rwpeat Faee Rwepeat Faede Rewpeat Fadee Reppeat Fafe
Reeat Fafde Reepat Fadfe Re0eat Fare Re0peat Farde Rep0eat Fadre Releat Face Relpeat Facde Repleat Fadce
Reoeat Fase Reopeat Repoeat Fadse

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