It's Gonna Go Away

Fu.., fu.. fu.., I got this bad cold
And I got a life, I live it up
I live it up
(It's gonna go away)
I don't want this to go away
(go away)
I'm so scared
(oh so scared)
I can't think of going on
We all crumble
We crumble under pressure
(It's gonna go away)
.... go live it up
We're livin it up

Mirror lyrics:

We're livin it up
.... go live it up
(It's gonna go away)
We crumble under pressure
We all crumble
I can't think of going on
(oh so scared)
I'm so scared
(go away)
I don't want this to go away
(It's gonna go away)
I live it up
And I got a life, I live it up
Fu.., fu.. fu.., I got this bad cold

Relevant Tags:
IIt's GGonna GGo AAway t's onna o way tI's oGnna oG wAay jt's honna ho zway jIt's hGonna hGo zAway Ijt's Ghonna Gho Azway
9t's yonna yo qway 9It's yGonna yGo qAway I9t's Gyonna Gyo Aqway lt's bonna bo sway lIt's bGonna bGo sAway Ilt's Gbonna Gbo Asway
ot's vonna vo wway oIt's vGonna vGo wAway Iot's Gvonna Gvo Awway kt's fonna fo xway kIt's fGonna fGo xAway Ikt's Gfonna Gfo Axway
8t's tonna to 8It's tGonna tGo Aay I8t's Gtonna Gto Aawy ut's Goonna Goo Aaay uIt's Gnna G Aaway Iut's Gnona Go Awaay
Itt's Gknna Gk A3ay I's Gkonna Gko A3way I'ts Goknna Gok Aw3ay If's G9nna G9 Aday Ift's G9onna G9o Adway Itf's Go9nna Go9 Awday
I5's G0nna G0 Aeay I5t's G0onna G0o Aeway It5's Go0nna Go0 Aweay Ih's Glnna Gl Asay Iht's Glonna Glo Ith's Golnna Gol Awsay
Iy's Ginna Gi A2ay Iyt's Gionna Gio A2way Ity's Goinna Goi Aw2ay I6's Gonnna Aqay

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