Koo Chung
Gullible Me

A scruffy boy goes walkin' round
On a cold night ponderin'
And his mind goes wanderin'

To a time and place where hope was young
So he reminisces of the God he misses
And he's crying out

You give me something to believe
So give me something to believe with
Cause my wits are running out
Give me courage to go on
The narrow path is looking dark
Looking like it'd be
Only traveled by gullible me

It works for me but not for them
So I'm still holding on
While they go moving on

And I am sharing something I don't understand
I'm needing You so much, but not like You're some crutch
And so I'm here still crying out

Mirror lyrics:

And so I'm here still crying out
I'm needing You so much, but not like You're some crutch
And I am sharing something I don't understand

While they go moving on
So I'm still holding on
It works for me but not for them

Only traveled by gullible me
Looking like it'd be
The narrow path is looking dark
Give me courage to go on
Cause my wits are running out
So give me something to believe with
You give me something to believe

And he's crying out
So he reminisces of the God he misses
To a time and place where hope was young

And his mind goes wanderin'
On a cold night ponderin'
A scruffy boy goes walkin' round

Relevant Tags:
GGullible MMe ullible e uGllible eM hullible je hGullible jMe Ghullible Mje yullible ke yGullible kMe Gyullible Mke bullible ne
bGullible nMe Gbullible Mne vullible Mee vGullible M Gvullible Me fullible Ms fGullible Mse Gfullible Mes tullible M3 tGullible M3e
Gtullible Me3 Guullible Mf Gllible Mfe Glulible Mef Ghllible Mr Mre Guhllible Mer G7llible M4 G7ullible M4e Gu7llible Me4
Gkllible Md Gkullible Mde Gukllible Med Gillible Mw Giullible Mwe Guillible Mew G8llible G8ullible Gu8llible Gjllible
Gjullible Gujllible Gyllible Guyllible Gulllible Gulible Gullible Guklible Gulklible Guolible
Guollible Gulolible Guplible Gupllible Gulplible Gulilble Gulkible Gullkible Guloible Gulloible

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