Leann Rimes
Something's Gotta Give

Jenny's got a job, a cat named Jake
Thirty-one candles on her birthday cake
Next year
Thought by now she'd have a man
Two car-seats in a minivan
But it still ain't here, hey

She's been looking for Mr. Right so long
But all she's found is Mr. Wrong
And that's the pits

She's drawn a line that she won't cross
Her and time are facing off
She says, something's gotta give

Something's gotta give me butterflies
Something's gotta make me feel alive
And something's gotta give me dreams at night
Something's gotta make me feel alright
I don't know where it is
Yeah, but something's gotta give
Something's gotta give

Friday night she had a date
Cell phone junky, a half hour late
That's the biz, baby
She's running out the twists of fate
She's had all that she can take
She says, something's gotta give

Hey, something's gotta give me butterflies
Something's gotta make me feel alive
Yeah, something's gotta give me dreams at night
Something's gotta make me feel alright
I don't know where it is
Yeah, but something's gotta give

I swear, there's got to be a 'meant to be'
For me out there
Somewhere (somewhere), someday I'm gonna find
Someone, somehow, someway

Jenny's got a job, a cat named Jake
Thirty-one candles on her birthday cake next year
She thought by now she'd have a man
Two car-seats and a minivan
She says something's got
Something's got
Something's gotta

Something's gotta give me butterflies
Something's gotta make me feel alive
Yeah, something's gotta give me dreams at night
Something's gotta make me feel alright
I don't know where it is
Yeah, but something's gotta
I don't know where it is
Yeah, but something's gotta
I don't know where it is
Yeah, but something's gotta give

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, but something's gotta give
I don't know where it is
Yeah, but something's gotta
I don't know where it is
Yeah, but something's gotta
I don't know where it is
Something's gotta make me feel alright
Yeah, something's gotta give me dreams at night
Something's gotta make me feel alive
Something's gotta give me butterflies

Something's gotta
Something's got
She says something's got
Two car-seats and a minivan
She thought by now she'd have a man
Thirty-one candles on her birthday cake next year
Jenny's got a job, a cat named Jake

Someone, somehow, someway
Somewhere (somewhere), someday I'm gonna find
For me out there
I swear, there's got to be a 'meant to be'

Yeah, but something's gotta give
I don't know where it is
Something's gotta make me feel alright
Yeah, something's gotta give me dreams at night
Something's gotta make me feel alive
Hey, something's gotta give me butterflies

She says, something's gotta give
She's had all that she can take
She's running out the twists of fate
That's the biz, baby
Cell phone junky, a half hour late
Friday night she had a date

Something's gotta give
Yeah, but something's gotta give
I don't know where it is
Something's gotta make me feel alright
And something's gotta give me dreams at night
Something's gotta make me feel alive
Something's gotta give me butterflies

She says, something's gotta give
Her and time are facing off
She's drawn a line that she won't cross

And that's the pits
But all she's found is Mr. Wrong
She's been looking for Mr. Right so long

But it still ain't here, hey
Two car-seats in a minivan
Thought by now she'd have a man
Next year
Thirty-one candles on her birthday cake
Jenny's got a job, a cat named Jake

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womething's yotta yive wSomething's yGotta yGive Swomething's Gyotta Gyive domething's botta bive dSomething's bGotta bGive Sdomething's Gbotta Gbive
eomething's votta vive eSomething's vGotta vGive Seomething's Gvotta Gvive xomething's fotta five xSomething's fGotta fGive Sxomething's Gfotta Gfive
aomething's totta tive aSomething's tGotta tGive Saomething's Gtotta Gtive Soomething's Gootta Giive Smething's Gtta Gve Smoething's Gtota Gvie
Skmething's Gktta Gjve Skomething's Gkotta Gjive Sokmething's Goktta Gijve S9mething's G9tta G9ve S9omething's G9otta G9ive So9mething's Go9tta Gi9ve
S0mething's G0tta Glve S0omething's G0otta Glive So0mething's Go0tta Gilve Slmething's Gltta Gove Slomething's Glotta Goive Solmething's Goltta Giove
Simething's Gitta Gkve Siomething's Giotta Gkive Soimething's Goitta Gikve Sommething's Gottta G8ve Soething's Gota G8ive Soemthing's Gotta Gi8ve
Sojething's Gofta Guve Sojmething's Goftta Guive Somjething's Gotfta Giuve Sokething's Go5ta Givve Go5tta Gie Somkething's Got5ta Giev
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