Leann Rimes
On The Side Of Angels

I've never been so certain
I've never been sure
We're on the side of angels
If we believe this love is pure

Is it so hard to trust it
Cause we've been wrong before
There comes a time in every life
We find the heart we're waiting for

After all the might-have-beens
The close and distant calls
After all the try-agains
Don't be afraid to fall
We're on the side of angels after all

Every time you touch me
Don't you feel it too
The gentle hand that's guiding us
You to me, me to you

After all the might-have-beens
The close and distant calls
After all the try-agains
Don't be afraid to fall
We're on the side of angels after all

Heaven only knows
Why this took so long
But only Heaven knows
A love is right or wrong

After all the might-have-beens
The close and distant calls
After all the try-agains
Don't be afraid to fall
We're on the side of angels
On the side of angels
We're on the side of angels, after all

Mirror lyrics:

We're on the side of angels, after all
On the side of angels
We're on the side of angels
Don't be afraid to fall
After all the try-agains
The close and distant calls
After all the might-have-beens

A love is right or wrong
But only Heaven knows
Why this took so long
Heaven only knows

We're on the side of angels after all
Don't be afraid to fall
After all the try-agains
The close and distant calls
After all the might-have-beens

You to me, me to you
The gentle hand that's guiding us
Don't you feel it too
Every time you touch me

We're on the side of angels after all
Don't be afraid to fall
After all the try-agains
The close and distant calls
After all the might-have-beens

We find the heart we're waiting for
There comes a time in every life
Cause we've been wrong before
Is it so hard to trust it

If we believe this love is pure
We're on the side of angels
I've never been sure
I've never been so certain

Relevant Tags:
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Onn ghe aide Off Anngels O gThe aSide O Agels On Tghe Saide Of Agnels Om rhe Siide Oc Amgels Omn rThe Sde Ocf Amngels Onm Trhe Sdie Ofc Anmgels
Oh Sjde Or Ahgels Ohn Te Sjide Orf Ahngels Onh Teh Sijde Ofr Anhgels Oj Tje S9de Og Ajgels Ojn Tjhe S9ide Ogf Ajngels Onj Thje Si9de Ofg Anjgels
Ob Tue Slde Ot Abgels Obn Tuhe Slide Otf Abngels Onb Thue Silde Oft Anbgels Tne Sode Ov Anggels Tnhe Soide Ovf Anels Thne Siode Ofv Anegls
Tbe Skde Od Anhels Tbhe Skide Odf Thbe Sikde Ofd Anghels Tge S8de Anyels S8ide Anygels Thge Si8de Angyels
Tye Sude Anbels Suide Thye Siude Angbels Thee Sidde Anvels Th Sie Anvgels The Sied Angvels
Ths Sixe Anfels Thse Sixde Anfgels Thes Sidxe Angfels Th3 Siee Antels Th3e Siede Antgels The3 Sidee Angtels

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