Opposite Way

Living in the same town,
for all these years.
Doing the same old things,
hanging with the same crowd.
And its starting to get crippleling
You've never felt in place
And you tell yourself its all okay
But something is different today
You want to run the opposite way
And it seems like you're locked in a cage
and you need to find a way of escape.
When everyone is setting the pace.
Its okay to run the opposite way

The Father sent His Son down
The light of men
and the cross he bore was crippleling
Rejected in His own town
And they couldnt see the Son shining
He knelt in the garden, and prayed
Father let this cup pass from me
If not your will for me to stay
your will for me is the opposite way
and it seemed like he was locked in a cage
and he couldnt find a way of escape
But through the cross He conquered the grave
My Jesus ran the opposite way

And through the cross He conquered the grave
He ran the opposite way

And through the cross He conquered the grave
So you could run the opposite way

Mirror lyrics:

So you could run the opposite way
And through the cross He conquered the grave

He ran the opposite way
And through the cross He conquered the grave

My Jesus ran the opposite way
But through the cross He conquered the grave
and he couldnt find a way of escape
and it seemed like he was locked in a cage
your will for me is the opposite way
If not your will for me to stay
Father let this cup pass from me
He knelt in the garden, and prayed
And they couldnt see the Son shining
Rejected in His own town
and the cross he bore was crippleling
The light of men
The Father sent His Son down

Its okay to run the opposite way
When everyone is setting the pace.
and you need to find a way of escape.
And it seems like you're locked in a cage
You want to run the opposite way
But something is different today
And you tell yourself its all okay
You've never felt in place
And its starting to get crippleling
hanging with the same crowd.
Doing the same old things,
for all these years.
Living in the same town,

Relevant Tags:
OOpposite WWay pposite ay pOposite aWy kpposite aay kOpposite aWay Okpposite Waay 9pposite 3ay 9Opposite 3Way O9pposite W3ay
0pposite day 0Opposite dWay O0pposite Wday lpposite eay lOpposite eWay Olpposite Weay ipposite say iOpposite sWay Oipposite Wsay
Oppposite 2ay Oposite 2Way Opposite W2ay O0posite qay qWay Op0posite Wqay Olposite Wy Oplposite Wya
Ooposite Wzy Oopposite Wzay Opoposite Wazy Wqy Opopsite Waqy Op0osite Wsy Opp0osite Wasy Oplosite Wwy Wway
Opplosite Wawy Opoosite Wxy Wxay Oppoosite Waxy Wayy Oppsite Wa Oppsoite Way Oppksite Wag Oppkosite Wagy
Oppoksite Wayg Opp9site Wah Opp9osite Wahy Oppo9site Wayh Opp0site Wa6 Wa6y Oppo0site Way6 Opplsite Wau Wauy
Oppolsite Wayu Oppisite Wa7 Oppiosite Wa7y Oppoisite Way7 Oppossite Waj Oppoite Wajy Oppoiste Wayj Oppozite Wat Oppozsite Waty
Opposzite Wayt Oppowite Oppowsite Opposwite Oppodite

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