Joe Jackson

Shall I stay or go through the door
Will the pen [unverified]
Watch the stars
Sleep's a chore

The moon is growing cold
It hangs like a sliver of tin
How do our dreams unfold
And why are my bones feeling thin?

I watch my pen as though
My fingers could shatter like icicles
And before my eyes
Lie glittering and useless on a field of snow

Mirror lyrics:

Lie glittering and useless on a field of snow
And before my eyes
My fingers could shatter like icicles
I watch my pen as though

And why are my bones feeling thin?
How do our dreams unfold
It hangs like a sliver of tin
The moon is growing cold

Sleep's a chore
Watch the stars
Will the pen [unverified]
Shall I stay or go through the door

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Lupllaby Lulplaby Lulalby Lulkaby Lullkaby

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