Hank Locklin
Just Over In The Gloryland

(James W. Acuff - Emmet S. Dean)

I've a home prepared where the saints abide
Just over in the Gloryland
And I long to be by my Savior's side
Just over in the Gloryland

Just over in the Gloryland I'll join the happy angel band
Just over in the Gloryland
Just over in the Gloryland there with the mighty host I'll stand
Just over in the Gloryland.

I am on my way to those mansions fair
Just over in the Gloryland
There to sing God's praise and his glory share
Just over in the Gloryland.

Just over in the Gloryland I'll join the happy angel band
Just over in the Gloryland
Just over in the Gloryland there with the mighty host I'll stand
Just over in the Gloryland.

What a joyful thought that my Lord I'll see
Just over in the Gloryland
And with him there to stay there forever be
Just over in the Gloryland.

Just over in the Gloryland I'll join the happy angel band
Just over in the Gloryland
Just over in the Gloryland there with the mighty host I'll stand
Just over in the Gloryland...

Mirror lyrics:

Just over in the Gloryland...
Just over in the Gloryland there with the mighty host I'll stand
Just over in the Gloryland
Just over in the Gloryland I'll join the happy angel band

Just over in the Gloryland.
And with him there to stay there forever be
Just over in the Gloryland
What a joyful thought that my Lord I'll see

Just over in the Gloryland.
Just over in the Gloryland there with the mighty host I'll stand
Just over in the Gloryland
Just over in the Gloryland I'll join the happy angel band

Just over in the Gloryland.
There to sing God's praise and his glory share
Just over in the Gloryland
I am on my way to those mansions fair

Just over in the Gloryland.
Just over in the Gloryland there with the mighty host I'll stand
Just over in the Gloryland
Just over in the Gloryland I'll join the happy angel band

Just over in the Gloryland
And I long to be by my Savior's side
Just over in the Gloryland
I've a home prepared where the saints abide

(James W. Acuff - Emmet S. Dean)

Relevant Tags:
JJust OOver IIn TThe GGloryland ust ver n he loryland uJst vOer nI hTe lGoryland kust kver jn fhe hloryland kJust kOver jIn fThe hGloryland
Jkust Okver Ijn Tfhe Ghloryland iust 9ver 9n 5he yloryland iJust 9Over 9In 5The yGloryland Jiust O9ver I9n T5he Gyloryland must 0ver ln hhe bloryland
mJust 0Over lIn hThe bGloryland Jmust O0ver Iln Thhe Gbloryland nust lver on yhe vloryland nJust lOver oIn yThe vGloryland Jnust Olver Ion Tyhe Gvloryland
hust iver kn 6he floryland hJust iOver kIn 6The fGloryland Jhust Oiver Ikn T6he Gfloryland uust Ovver 8n ghe tloryland uJust Oer 8In gThe tGloryland
Juust Oevr I8n Tghe Gtloryland Ober un rhe Glloryland Jst Obver uIn rThe Goryland Jsut Ovber Iun Trhe Golryland Jhst Ocer Inn Gkoryland
Ocver I Te Gkloryland Juhst Ovcer In Teh Glkoryland J7st Oger Im Tje Gooryland J7ust Ogver Imn Tjhe Goloryland Ju7st Ovger Inm Thje Glooryland
Jkst Ofer Ih Tue Gporyland Ofver Ihn Tuhe Gploryland Jukst Ovfer Inh Thue Glporyland Jist Oveer Ij Tne Ovr Tnhe Glryland
Juist Ovre Inj Thne Glroyland J8st Ovsr Ib Tbe Glkryland J8ust Ovser Ibn Tbhe Ju8st Ovesr Inb Thbe Glokryland Jjst Ov3r Tge Gl9ryland
Jjust Ov3er Gl9oryland Jujst Ove3r Thge Glo9ryland Jyst Ovfr Tye Gl0ryland Jyust Gl0oryland Juyst Ovefr Thye Glo0ryland
Jusst Ovrr Thee Gllryland Jut Ovrer Th Juts Overr The Glolryland Juzt Ov4r Ths Gliryland Juzst Ov4er Thse Glioryland
Juszt Ove4r Thes Gloiryland Juwt Ovdr Th3 Glorryland Juwst Ovder Th3e Gloyland Juswt Ovedr The3 Gloyrland Judt Ovwr Thf Glodyland
Judst Ovwer Thfe Glodryland Jusdt Ovewr Thef Glordyland Juet Thr Glo4yland Juest Ove Thre Glo4ryland Juset Over Ther Glor4yland
Juxt Oved Th4 Glogyland Juxst Th4e Glogryland Jusxt Overd The4 Glorgyland Juat Ove4 Thd Glotyland Juast Thde Glotryland
Jusat Over4 Thed Glortyland Justt Oveg Thw Glo5yland Jus Ovegr Thwe Glo5ryland Just Overg Thew Glor5yland Jusf Ovet Glofyland
Jusft Ovetr Glofryland Justf Overt Glorfyland Jus5 Ove5 Gloeyland Jus5t Ove5r Gloeryland Just5 Over5 Gloreyland
Jush Ovef Gloryyland Jusht Glorland Justh Overf Glorlyand Jusy Ovee Glorgland Jusyt

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