Hank Locklin
Fool Number 1

(Kathryn R. Fulton)

Am I fool number one or am I fool number two
How many other fools have been fooled by you
I suppose that the number is far from being small
And I'll bet that I'm the biggest fool of all.

If I had the chance I guess I'd do it all again
I'd go down that same old road even knowing at the end
You'd leave me when your heart hears a new love call
So I guess that I'm the biggest fool of all...

Mirror lyrics:

So I guess that I'm the biggest fool of all...
You'd leave me when your heart hears a new love call
I'd go down that same old road even knowing at the end
If I had the chance I guess I'd do it all again

And I'll bet that I'm the biggest fool of all.
I suppose that the number is far from being small
How many other fools have been fooled by you
Am I fool number one or am I fool number two

(Kathryn R. Fulton)

Relevant Tags:
FFool NNumber 11 ool umber oFol uNmber 1 cool mumber 2 cFool mNumber 21 Fcool Nmumber 12 rool humber q rFool hNumber q1 Frool Nhumber 1q
gool jumber gFool jNumber Fgool Njumber tool bumber tFool bNumber Ftool Nbumber vool Nuumber vFool Nmber Fvool Nmuber
dool Nhmber dFool Fdool Nuhmber Foool N7mber Fol N7umber Fool Nu7mber Fkol Nkmber Fkool Nkumber Fokol Nukmber
F9ol Nimber F9ool Niumber Fo9ol Nuimber F0ol N8mber F0ool N8umber Fo0ol Nu8mber Flol Njmber Flool Folol Nujmber
Fiol Nymber Fiool Nyumber Foiol Nuymber Nummber Nuber Folo Nubmer Fokl Nujber Fookl Numjber Fo9l Nukber
Foo9l Numkber Fo0l Nunber Nunmber Foo0l Numnber Foll Numbber

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