Hank Locklin
Act Naturally

(Johnny Russell - Voni Morrison)

They're gonna put me in the movies
They're gonna make a big star out of me
We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely
And all I gotta do is act naturally.

Well, I'll bet you I'm a gonna be a big star
Might win an Oscar you can never tell
This movie's gonna make me a big star
'Cause I can play the part so well.

I hope you'll come to see me in the movies
For then I know that you will plainly see
The biggest fool that's ever hit the big time
And all I gotta do is act naturally.

And all I gotta do is act naturally...

Mirror lyrics:

And all I gotta do is act naturally...

And all I gotta do is act naturally.
The biggest fool that's ever hit the big time
For then I know that you will plainly see
I hope you'll come to see me in the movies

'Cause I can play the part so well.
This movie's gonna make me a big star
Might win an Oscar you can never tell
Well, I'll bet you I'm a gonna be a big star

And all I gotta do is act naturally.
We'll make a film about a man that's sad and lonely
They're gonna make a big star out of me
They're gonna put me in the movies

(Johnny Russell - Voni Morrison)

Relevant Tags:
AAct NNaturally ct aturally cAt aNturally zct maturally zAct mNaturally Azct Nmaturally qct haturally qAct hNaturally Aqct Nhaturally
sct jaturally sAct jNaturally Asct Njaturally wct baturally wAct bNaturally Awct Nbaturally xct Naaturally xAct Nturally Axct Ntaurally
Acct Nzturally At Nzaturally Atc Nazturally Aft Nqturally Afct Nqaturally Acft Naqturally Axt Nsturally Nsaturally Acxt Nasturally
Avt Nwturally Avct Nwaturally Acvt Nawturally Adt Nxturally Adct Nxaturally Acdt Naxturally Actt Natturally Ac Naurally Act Nautrally
Acf Nafurally Nafturally Actf Natfurally Ac5 Na5urally Ac5t Na5turally Act5 Nat5urally Ach Nahurally Acht Nahturally Acth Nathurally
Acy Nayurally Acyt Nayturally Acty Natyurally Ac6 Na6urally Ac6t Na6turally Act6 Nat6urally Acg Nagurally Acgt Nagturally Actg Natgurally
Acr Narurally Acrt Narturally Actr Natrurally Natuurally Natrally Natrually Nathrally Natuhrally Nat7rally
Nat7urally Natu7rally Natkrally Natkurally Natukrally Natirally Natiurally Natuirally Nat8rally
Nat8urally Natu8rally Natjrally Natjurally Natujrally Natyrally Natuyrally Naturrally

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