All That You Wanted

What do you see in me
That I can bear your name?
How do you justify
Forgiving once again?
If giving my all to you
Is all you truly need
Then I give you everything
To work in spite of me

All that I have
At all costs
Anything that I should gain
I count as loss
To know you
Is all that I've wanted
The past left behind
Out of my way
Pressing on to what you have now granted me
Can this be?
I'm all that you've wanted

When all of the feelings pass
Along with certainty
I cling to a faith that lasts
Completely covering me


Mirror lyrics:


Completely covering me
I cling to a faith that lasts
Along with certainty
When all of the feelings pass

I'm all that you've wanted
Can this be?
Pressing on to what you have now granted me
Out of my way
The past left behind
Is all that I've wanted
To know you
I count as loss
Anything that I should gain
At all costs
All that I have

To work in spite of me
Then I give you everything
Is all you truly need
If giving my all to you
Forgiving once again?
How do you justify
That I can bear your name?
What do you see in me

Relevant Tags:
AAll TThat YYou WWanted ll hat ou anted lAl hTat oYu aWnted zll fhat gou aanted zAll fThat gYou aWanted Azll Tfhat Ygou Waanted
qll 5hat hou 3anted qAll 5That hYou 3Wanted Aqll T5hat Yhou W3anted sll hhat 6ou danted sAll hThat 6You dWanted Asll Thhat Y6ou Wdanted
wll yhat uou eanted wAll yThat uYou eWanted Awll Tyhat Yuou Weanted xll 6hat 7ou santed xAll 6That 7You sWanted Axll T6hat Y7ou Wsanted
Alll ghat jou 2anted Al gThat jYou 2Wanted All Tghat Yjou W2anted Akl rhat tou qanted Akll rThat tYou qWanted Alkl Trhat Ytou Wqanted
Aol Yoou Aoll Tat Yu Wnted Alol Taht Yuo Wnated Apl Tjat Yku Wznted Apll Tjhat Ykou Wzanted Alpl Thjat Yoku Waznted
Tuat Y9u Wqnted Tuhat Y9ou Thuat Yo9u Waqnted Alk Tnat Y0u Wsnted Tnhat Y0ou Allk Thnat Yo0u Wasnted
Alo Tbat Ylu Wwnted Tbhat Ylou Wwanted Allo Thbat Yolu Wawnted Alp Tgat Yiu Wxnted Yiou Wxanted Allp Thgat Yoiu Waxnted
Tyat Youu Wannted Yo Wated Thyat You Watned Thaat Yoh Wamted Tht Yohu Wamnted Thta Youh Wanmted
Thzt Yo7 Wahted Thzat Yo7u Wahnted Thazt You7 Wanhted Thqt Yok Wajted Thqat Wajnted Thaqt Youk Wanjted
Thst Yoi Wabted Thsat Wabnted Thast Youi Wanbted Thwt Yo8 Wantted

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