Hank Locklin
The Country Hall Of Fame

(Karl Davis)

I was roaming round in Nashville in the state of Tennessee
For I love that country music it's as soulful as can be
I have gathered their records for I cherished every name
So I found myself a standing in the Country Hall of Fame.

My heart beat somehow faster as I walked in through the door
For I heard the sound of voices I had often heard before
A happy kind of sadness brought a teardrop to my eye
Now, I'll tell you what I saw there and I'm sure that you'll see why.

Jimmie Rodgers' "Railroad Lantern" and his faithful old guitar
I could hear that old blue yodel coming from somewhere up far
Roy Acuff in bronze likeness with that great Fred Rose his friend
And I heard that Wabash Cannonball somewhere around the bend.

The guitar of Eddy Arnold, memories of Cattle Call
Chet Atkins will be with him when the work's all done this fall
From the autoharp of Maybelle Wildwood Flower seems to ring
Rally Packett and Gid Penner how they all could pick and sing.

I could hear George Hay Mason as I stood there in the room
I could hear Tex Ritter singing his classic song High Noon
Minnie Pearl so glad to be there and Hank Snow keeps Movin' On
May the Lord bless those still living and the ones who's joined his throne.

Cowboy Copas Hawkshaw Hawkins Gentleman Jim and Patsy Cline
Rod Bradsfield, Ira Louvin, these stars will always shine
Ernest Tubb and great Red Foley and Hank Williams bless his name
Though some are gone they'll live forever in the Country Hall of Fame...

Mirror lyrics:

Though some are gone they'll live forever in the Country Hall of Fame...
Ernest Tubb and great Red Foley and Hank Williams bless his name
Rod Bradsfield, Ira Louvin, these stars will always shine
Cowboy Copas Hawkshaw Hawkins Gentleman Jim and Patsy Cline

May the Lord bless those still living and the ones who's joined his throne.
Minnie Pearl so glad to be there and Hank Snow keeps Movin' On
I could hear Tex Ritter singing his classic song High Noon
I could hear George Hay Mason as I stood there in the room

Rally Packett and Gid Penner how they all could pick and sing.
From the autoharp of Maybelle Wildwood Flower seems to ring
Chet Atkins will be with him when the work's all done this fall
The guitar of Eddy Arnold, memories of Cattle Call

And I heard that Wabash Cannonball somewhere around the bend.
Roy Acuff in bronze likeness with that great Fred Rose his friend
I could hear that old blue yodel coming from somewhere up far
Jimmie Rodgers' "Railroad Lantern" and his faithful old guitar

Now, I'll tell you what I saw there and I'm sure that you'll see why.
A happy kind of sadness brought a teardrop to my eye
For I heard the sound of voices I had often heard before
My heart beat somehow faster as I walked in through the door

So I found myself a standing in the Country Hall of Fame.
I have gathered their records for I cherished every name
For I love that country music it's as soulful as can be
I was roaming round in Nashville in the state of Tennessee

(Karl Davis)

Relevant Tags:
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Thf Coyntry Halk Fams Thfe Coyuntry Famse Thef Couyntry Hallk Fames Thr Counntry Halo Fam3 Thre Coutry Fam3e Ther Coutnry Hallo Fame3
Th4 Coumtry Halp Famf Th4e Coumntry Famfe The4 Counmtry Hallp Famef Thd Couhtry Famr Thde Famre Thed Counhtry Famer

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