Guy Sebastian
Out Of Place

Out feels like in
Endings begin
The grass is baby blue
The sky is army green

Down feels like up
I miss you so much
When or where will you be coming back to me
And help make sense of it all

Everythings out of place
Everythings out of place
My inside outs so upside down
Whenever your not around

Fast forward rewind
Im walking backwards in time
Everything thats new feels like ive done before
The moon lights the day
Since the sun lost its way
You cant hear that your the one im looking for
I need you to show me the way

Round in a square cirlce i keep turning
But everything align when im with you

Everythings out of place
Everythings out of place
Everythings out of place
Round and round and round i go

Mirror lyrics:

Round and round and round i go
Everythings out of place
Everythings out of place
Everythings out of place

But everything align when im with you
Round in a square cirlce i keep turning

I need you to show me the way
You cant hear that your the one im looking for
Since the sun lost its way
The moon lights the day
Everything thats new feels like ive done before
Im walking backwards in time
Fast forward rewind

Whenever your not around
My inside outs so upside down
Everythings out of place
Everythings out of place

And help make sense of it all
When or where will you be coming back to me
I miss you so much
Down feels like up

The sky is army green
The grass is baby blue
Endings begin
Out feels like in

Relevant Tags:
OOut OOf PPlace ut f lace uOt fO lPace kut kf 0lace kOut kOf 0Place Okut Okf P0lace 9ut 9f llace 9Out 9Of lPlace O9ut O9f Pllace
0ut 0f olace 0Out 0Of oPlace O0ut O0f Polace lut lf lOut lOf Pace Olut Olf Palce iut if Pkace iOut iOf Pklace Oiut Oif Plkace
Ouut Off Poace Ot O Otu Of Ploace Oht Oc Ppace Ohut Ocf Pplace Ouht Ofc Plpace O7t Or Plaace O7ut Orf Plce Ou7t Ofr Plcae
Okt Og Plzce Ogf Plzace Oukt Ofg Plazce Oit Ot Plqce Otf Plqace Ouit Oft Plaqce O8t Ov Plsce O8ut Ovf Plsace Ou8t Ofv Plasce
Ojt Od Plwce Ojut Odf Plwace

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