Guy Sebastian
Closer To The Sun

Excuse me friend can you tell me when
Did i sign up for this race
There's not an end, and no one wins
Yet you fight to keep the pace
Maybe ill find a home in the heavens
Hitch a ride on a shooting star

Leave this place
For out of space
We can rent a little house on venus
And get closer to the sun

Theres always light
There is no night
We can watch the earth revolve
Theres only friends and innocence.
There not conflict to resolve

Leave behind everything you think matters
Dont delay, once your there you will see

Where its warm
Everyday, no one else can reach us
Well get closer to the sun

Welcome aboard, get comfortable
Your maiden journeys just begun
Just close your eyes, enjoy the ride
We're getting closer to the sun
Just close your eyes
Enjoy the ride
We're getting closer to the sun

Excuse me friend can you tell me when
Did i sign up for this race

Mirror lyrics:

Did i sign up for this race
Excuse me friend can you tell me when

We're getting closer to the sun
Enjoy the ride
Just close your eyes
We're getting closer to the sun
Just close your eyes, enjoy the ride
Your maiden journeys just begun
Welcome aboard, get comfortable

Well get closer to the sun
Everyday, no one else can reach us
Where its warm

Dont delay, once your there you will see
Leave behind everything you think matters

There not conflict to resolve
Theres only friends and innocence.
We can watch the earth revolve
There is no night
Theres always light

And get closer to the sun
We can rent a little house on venus
For out of space
Leave this place

Hitch a ride on a shooting star
Maybe ill find a home in the heavens
Yet you fight to keep the pace
There's not an end, and no one wins
Did i sign up for this race
Excuse me friend can you tell me when

Relevant Tags:
CCloser TTo TThe SSun loser o he un lCoser oT hTe uSn floser fo fhe zun fCloser fTo fThe zSun Cfloser Tfo Tfhe Szun
xloser 5o 5he wun xCloser 5To 5The wSun Cxloser T5o T5he Swun vloser ho hhe dun vCloser hTo hThe dSun Cvloser Tho Thhe Sdun
dloser yo yhe eun dCloser yTo yThe eSun Cdloser Tyo Tyhe Seun Clloser 6o 6he xun Coser 6To 6The xSun Colser T6o T6he Sxun
Ckoser go ghe aun Ckloser gTo gThe aSun Clkoser Tgo Tghe Saun Cooser ro rhe Suun Coloser rTo rThe Sn Clooser Tro Trhe Snu
Cposer Too Shn Cploser T Te Shun Clposer To Teh Suhn Tk Tje S7n Clser Tko Tjhe S7un Clsoer Tok Thje Su7n
Clkser T9 Tue Skn T9o Tuhe Skun Clokser To9 Thue Sukn Cl9ser T0 Tne Sin Cl9oser T0o Tnhe Siun Clo9ser To0 Thne Suin
Cl0ser Tl Tbe S8n Cl0oser Tlo Tbhe S8un Clo0ser Tol Thbe Su8n Cllser Ti Tge Sjn Tio Sjun Clolser Toi Thge Sujn
Cliser Tye Syn Clioser Syun Cloiser Thye Suyn Closser Thee Sunn Cloer Th Su Cloesr The Sun
Clozer Ths Sum Clozser Thse Sumn Closzer Thes Sunm

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