Hank Snow
If It's Wrong To Love You

(Bonnie Dodd - Charles Mitchell)

If it's wrong to love you wrong I'll alway be
Though the world may scorn me darling can't you see
If it's wrong to want you when my day is through
Gladly I will pay for all my dreams of you.

Though we met too late dear and you'll never know
That without a right to I have loved you so
I can't change my heart dear you're a part of me
If it's wrong to love you wrong I'll always be.

--- Instrumental ---

Though we met too late dear and you'll never know
That without a right to I have loved you so
I can't change my heart dear you're a part of me
If it's wrong to love you wrong I'll always be...

Mirror lyrics:

If it's wrong to love you wrong I'll always be...
I can't change my heart dear you're a part of me
That without a right to I have loved you so
Though we met too late dear and you'll never know

--- Instrumental ---

If it's wrong to love you wrong I'll always be.
I can't change my heart dear you're a part of me
That without a right to I have loved you so
Though we met too late dear and you'll never know

Gladly I will pay for all my dreams of you.
If it's wrong to want you when my day is through
Though the world may scorn me darling can't you see
If it's wrong to love you wrong I'll alway be

(Bonnie Dodd - Charles Mitchell)

Relevant Tags:
IIf IIt's WWrong TTo LLove YYou f t's rong o ove ou fI tI's rWong oT oLve oYu jf jt's arong fo kove gou jIf jIt's aWrong fTo kLove gYou
Ijf Ijt's Warong Tfo Lkove Ygou 9f 9t's 3rong 5o oove hou 9If 9It's 3Wrong 5To oLove hYou I9f I9t's W3rong T5o Loove Yhou lf lt's drong ho pove 6ou
lIf lIt's dWrong hTo pLove 6You Ilf Ilt's Wdrong Tho Lpove Y6ou of ot's erong yo uou oIf oIt's eWrong yTo Lve uYou Iof Iot's Werong Tyo Lvoe Yuou
kf kt's srong 6o Lkve 7ou kIf kIt's sWrong 6To 7You Ikf Ikt's Wsrong T6o Lokve Y7ou 8f 8t's 2rong go L9ve jou 8If 8It's 2Wrong gTo L9ove jYou
I8f I8t's W2rong Tgo Lo9ve Yjou uf ut's qrong ro L0ve tou uIf uIt's qWrong rTo L0ove tYou Iuf Iut's Wqrong Tro Lo0ve Ytou Iff Itt's Wrrong Too Llve Yoou
I I's Wong T Llove Yu If I'ts Worng To Lolve Yuo Ic If's Wdong Tk Live Yku Icf Ift's Tko Liove Ykou Ifc Itf's Wrdong Tok Loive Yoku
Ir I5's W4ong T9 Lovve Y9u Irf I5t's W4rong T9o Loe Y9ou Ifr It5's Wr4ong To9 Loev Yo9u Ig Ih's Wgong T0 Lobe Y0u Igf Iht's Wgrong T0o Lobve Y0ou
Ifg Ith's Wrgong To0 Lovbe Yo0u It Iy's Wtong Tl Loce Ylu Itf Iyt's Wtrong Tlo Locve Ylou Ift Ity's Wrtong Tol Lovce Yolu Iv I6's W5ong Ti Loge Yiu
Ivf I6t's W5rong Tio Logve Yiou Ifv It6's Wr5ong Toi Lovge Yoiu Id Ig's Wfong Lofe Youu Idf Igt's Wfrong Lofve Yo Ifd Itg's Wrfong Lovfe You
Ir's Weong Lovee Yoh Irt's Lov Yohu Itr's Wreong Love Youh It''s Wroong Lovs Yo7

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