Hank Snow
He'll Understand And Say Well Done

(R. Wilson)

Give when you give him best of your service
Telling the world that the Saviour has come
Be not dismayed when man don't believe you
He'll understand and say well done.

Oh when I come to the end of my journey
Weary of life and the battle is won
Caring the staff and the cross of redemption
He'll understand and say well done.

Misunderstood, yes the Saviour of sinners
Died on the cross, he was God's only son
But he knew well that his father in heaven
Would understand and say well done.

Oh hear him calling his father in heaven
Not my will Lord but thine be done.

And when I come to the end of my journey
Weary of life and the battle is won
Caring the staff and the cross of redemption
He'll understand and say well done...

Mirror lyrics:

He'll understand and say well done...
Caring the staff and the cross of redemption
Weary of life and the battle is won
And when I come to the end of my journey

Not my will Lord but thine be done.
Oh hear him calling his father in heaven

Would understand and say well done.
But he knew well that his father in heaven
Died on the cross, he was God's only son
Misunderstood, yes the Saviour of sinners

He'll understand and say well done.
Caring the staff and the cross of redemption
Weary of life and the battle is won
Oh when I come to the end of my journey

He'll understand and say well done.
Be not dismayed when man don't believe you
Telling the world that the Saviour has come
Give when you give him best of your service

(R. Wilson)

Relevant Tags:
HHe'll UUnderstand AAnd SSay WWell DDone e'll nderstand nd ay ell one eH'll nUderstand nAd aSy eWll oDne je'll hnderstand znd zay aell xone jHe'll hUnderstand zAnd zSay aWell xDone
Hje'll Uhnderstand Aznd Szay Waell Dxone ue'll 7nderstand qnd way 3ell eone uHe'll 7Understand qAnd wSay 3Well eDone Hue'll U7nderstand Aqnd Sway W3ell Deone ne'll knderstand snd day dell fone
nHe'll kUnderstand sAnd dSay dWell fDone Hne'll Uknderstand Asnd Sday Wdell Dfone be'll inderstand wnd eay eell rone bHe'll iUnderstand wAnd eSay eWell rDone Hbe'll Uinderstand Awnd Seay Weell Drone
ge'll 8nderstand xnd xay sell cone gHe'll 8Understand xAnd xSay sWell cDone Hge'll U8nderstand Axnd Sxay Wsell Dcone ye'll jnderstand Annd aay 2ell sone yHe'll jUnderstand Ad aSay 2Well sDone
Hye'll Ujnderstand Adn Saay W2ell Dsone Hee'll ynderstand Amd qell Doone H'll yUnderstand Amnd Sy qWell Dne H'ell Uynderstand Anmd Sya Wqell Dnoe Hs'll Unnderstand Ahd Szy Dkne
Hse'll Uderstand Ahnd Wll Dkone Hes'll Udnerstand Anhd Sazy Wlel Dokne H3'll Umderstand Ajd Sqy Wsll D9ne H3e'll Umnderstand Ajnd Sqay D9one He3'll Unmderstand Anjd Saqy Wesll Do9ne
Hf'll Uhderstand Abd Ssy W3ll D0ne Hfe'll Abnd Ssay D0one Hef'll Unhderstand Anbd Sasy We3ll Do0ne Hr'll Ujderstand Andd Swy Wfll Dlne Hre'll An Wfell Dlone
Her'll Unjderstand And Sawy Wefll Dolne H4'll Ubderstand Anx Sxy Wrll Dine H4e'll Ubnderstand Anxd Wrell Dione He4'll Unbderstand Andx Saxy Werll Doine Hd'll Undderstand Ane Sayy W4ll Donne
Hde'll Unerstand Aned Sa W4ell Doe Hed'll Unedrstand Ande Say We4ll Doen Hw'll Unxerstand Anf Sag Wdll Dome Hwe'll Unxderstand Anfd Sagy Domne Hew'll Undxerstand Andf Sayg Wedll Donme
He''ll Uneerstand Anr Sah Wwll Dohe Hell Unederstand Anrd Sahy Wwell Dohne Hel'l Undeerstand Andr Sayh Wewll Donhe He'lll Unferstand Anc Sa6 Welll Doje He'l Unfderstand Ancd Sa6y Wel Dojne
He'll Undferstand Andc Say6 Well Donje He'kl Unrerstand Ans Sau Wekl Dobe He'kll Unrderstand Ansd Sauy Wekll Dobne He'lkl Undrerstand Ands Sayu Welkl Donbe He'ol Uncerstand Sa7 Weol Donee
He'oll Uncderstand Sa7y Weoll Don He'lol Undcerstand Say7 Welol Done He'pl Unserstand Saj Wepl Dons He'pll Unsderstand Sajy Wepll Donse He'lpl Undserstand Sayj Welpl Dones
Sat Don3 Undrstand Saty Don3e Undrestand Sayt Done3 He'lk Undsrstand Welk Donf Donfe
He'llk Undesrstand Wellk Donef He'lo Und3rstand Welo Donr Und3erstand Donre He'llo Unde3rstand Wello Doner He'lp Undfrstand Welp Don4
Don4e He'llp Undefrstand Wellp Done4 Undrrstand Dond Donde Underrstand Doned
Und4rstand Donw Und4erstand Donwe Unde4rstand Donew Unddrstand Undedrstand
Undwrstand Undwerstand Undewrstand Undestand Undesrtand
Undedstand Underdstand Unde4stand Under4stand Undegstand
Undegrstand Undergstand Undetstand

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