Hank Snow
Blue Rose Of The Rio

(Rusty Keefer - Ruth Keefer)

Blue rose of the Rio I can see her now
As she looked that day when I rode away through a golden dawn
It was there by the Rio that we made our vows
Then we kissed goodbye what a fool was I fore I traveled on.

I should have known as we kissed such heaven as this could only be
Paradise's lost if it was tossed away so free
Must I wish for manana that will never come true
Blue rose of the Rio my answer is you.

--- Instrumental ---

(I should have known as we kissed such heaven as this could only be
Paradise's lost if it was tossed away so free)
Must I wish for manana that will never come true
Blue rose of the Rio, my answer is you...)

Mirror lyrics:

Blue rose of the Rio, my answer is you...)
Must I wish for manana that will never come true
Paradise's lost if it was tossed away so free)
(I should have known as we kissed such heaven as this could only be

--- Instrumental ---

Blue rose of the Rio my answer is you.
Must I wish for manana that will never come true
Paradise's lost if it was tossed away so free
I should have known as we kissed such heaven as this could only be

Then we kissed goodbye what a fool was I fore I traveled on.
It was there by the Rio that we made our vows
As she looked that day when I rode away through a golden dawn
Blue rose of the Rio I can see her now

(Rusty Keefer - Ruth Keefer)

Relevant Tags:
BBlue RRose OOf TThe RRio lue ose f he io lBue oRse fO hTe iRo vlue dose kf fhe dio vBlue dRose kOf fThe dRio Bvlue Rdose Okf Tfhe Rdio
glue 4ose 9f 5he 4io gBlue 4Rose 9Of 5The 4Rio Bglue R4ose O9f T5he R4io nlue gose 0f hhe gio nBlue gRose 0Of hThe gRio Bnlue Rgose O0f Thhe Rgio
hlue tose lf yhe tio hBlue tRose lOf yThe tRio Bhlue Rtose Olf Tyhe Rtio Bllue 5ose if 6he 5io Bue 5Rose iOf 6The 5Rio Bule R5ose Oif T6he R5io
Bkue fose Off ghe fio Bklue fRose O gThe fRio Blkue Rfose Of Tghe Rfio Boue eose Oc rhe eio Bolue eRose Ocf rThe eRio Bloue Reose Ofc Trhe Reio
Bpue Roose Or Riio Bplue Rse Orf Te Ro Blpue Rsoe Ofr Teh Roi Bluue Rkse Og Tje Rjo Ble Rkose Ogf Tjhe Rjio Bleu Rokse Ofg Thje Rijo
Blhe R9se Ot Tue R9o Blhue R9ose Otf Tuhe R9io Bluhe Ro9se Oft Thue Ri9o Bl7e R0se Ov Tne Rlo Bl7ue R0ose Ovf Tnhe Rlio Blu7e Ro0se Ofv Thne Rilo
Blke Rlse Od Tbe Roo Rlose Odf Tbhe Roio Bluke Rolse Ofd Thbe Rioo Blie Rise Tge Rko Bliue Riose Rkio Bluie Roise Thge Riko

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