Hank Snow
Rome Wasn't Built In A Day

(Yvonne Devaney)

Fallin' in love is still something quiet strange to my heart
This is the first time for me and I'm new at the part
So my love if I say it I do little things I don't mean to say or do
Remember I love you and I'll make it all up to you.

Darlin' Rome wasn't built in a day
Amoure nonroman enjourno
Love that's true grows with each passing day
Amoure nonroman enjourno.

--- Instrumental ---

If ever a dark cloud surrounds us to darken the blue
Remember the sunshine of our love will come shinin' through
Into life rain must fall and it falls just as sure as the rain falls from above
Bringin' the roses and thorns to the spring of our love.

Darlin' Rome wasn't built in a day
Amoure nonroman enjourno
Love that's true grows with each passing day
Amoure nonroman enjourno.

Amoure non roman enjourno...

Mirror lyrics:

Amoure non roman enjourno...

Amoure nonroman enjourno.
Love that's true grows with each passing day
Amoure nonroman enjourno
Darlin' Rome wasn't built in a day

Bringin' the roses and thorns to the spring of our love.
Into life rain must fall and it falls just as sure as the rain falls from above
Remember the sunshine of our love will come shinin' through
If ever a dark cloud surrounds us to darken the blue

--- Instrumental ---

Amoure nonroman enjourno.
Love that's true grows with each passing day
Amoure nonroman enjourno
Darlin' Rome wasn't built in a day

Remember I love you and I'll make it all up to you.
So my love if I say it I do little things I don't mean to say or do
This is the first time for me and I'm new at the part
Fallin' in love is still something quiet strange to my heart

(Yvonne Devaney)

Relevant Tags:
RRome WWasn't BBuilt IIn AA DDay ome asn't uilt n ay oRme aWsn't uBilt nI A aDy dome aasn't vuilt jn z xay dRome aWasn't vBuilt jIn zA xDay
Rdome Waasn't Bvuilt Ijn Az Dxay 4ome 3asn't guilt 9n q eay 4Rome 3Wasn't gBuilt 9In qA eDay R4ome W3asn't Bguilt I9n Aq Deay gome dasn't nuilt ln s fay
gRome dWasn't nBuilt lIn sA fDay Rgome Wdasn't Bnuilt Iln As Dfay tome easn't huilt on w ray tRome eWasn't hBuilt oIn wA rDay Rtome Weasn't Bhuilt Ion Aw Dray
5ome sasn't Buuilt kn x cay 5Rome sWasn't Bilt kIn xA cDay R5ome Wsasn't Biult Ikn Ax Dcay fome 2asn't Bhilt 8n say fRome 2Wasn't 8In sDay
Rfome W2asn't Buhilt I8n Dsay eome qasn't B7ilt un Daay eRome qWasn't B7uilt uIn Dy Reome Wqasn't Bu7ilt Iun Dya Roome Bkilt Inn Dzy
Rme Wsn't Bkuilt I Dzay Rmoe Wsan't Bukilt In Dazy Rkme Wzsn't Biilt Im Dqy Rkome Wzasn't Biuilt Imn Dqay Rokme Wazsn't Buiilt Inm Daqy
R9me Wqsn't B8ilt Ih Dsy R9ome B8uilt Ihn Ro9me Waqsn't Bu8ilt Inh Dasy R0me Wssn't Bjilt Ij Dwy R0ome Bjuilt Dway
Ro0me Wassn't Bujilt Inj Dawy Rlme Wwsn't Byilt Ib Dxy Rlome Wwasn't Byuilt Ibn Rolme Wawsn't Buyilt Inb Daxy Rime Wxsn't Dayy
Riome Wxasn't Bult Da Roime Waxsn't Bulit Day Romme Bujlt Dag Roe Wan't Dagy Roem Wans't Buijlt Dayg
Roje Wazn't Bu9lt Dah Rojme Bu9ilt Dahy Romje Waszn't Bui9lt Dayh Roke Wawn't Bullt Da6

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