Hall & Oates
Wait For Me [live Rock 'n Soul]

Midnight hour almost over
Time is running out for the magic pair
I know you gave the best that you have
But one more chance
Couldn't be all that hard to bear.

Wait for me please
Wait for me
Alright, i guess
That's more than I should ask
Wait for me please
Wait for me
Although I know the light is fading fast.

You could go either way
Is it easier to stay
I wonder what you'll do
When your chance rolls around
But you gotta know how much I want to keep you
When I'm away I'm afraid it will all fall down.

Love is what it does and ours is doing nothing
But all the time we spent
It must be good for something
Please forgive all the disturbance I'm creating
But you gotta lot to learn if you think that I'm not
Waiting for you

Mirror lyrics:

Waiting for you
But you gotta lot to learn if you think that I'm not
Please forgive all the disturbance I'm creating
It must be good for something
But all the time we spent
Love is what it does and ours is doing nothing

When I'm away I'm afraid it will all fall down.
But you gotta know how much I want to keep you
When your chance rolls around
I wonder what you'll do
Is it easier to stay
You could go either way

Although I know the light is fading fast.
Wait for me
Wait for me please
That's more than I should ask
Alright, i guess
Wait for me
Wait for me please

Couldn't be all that hard to bear.
But one more chance
I know you gave the best that you have
Time is running out for the magic pair
Midnight hour almost over

Relevant Tags:
WWait FFor MMe [[live RRock ''n SSoul] ait or e live ock n oul] aWit oFr eM l[ive oRck n' oSul] aait cor je [llive dock 'nn zoul] aWait cFor jMe [ive dRock ' zSoul]
Waait Fcor Mje [ilve Rdock 'n Szoul] 3ait ror ke [kive 4ock 'm woul] 3Wait rFor kMe [klive 4Rock 'mn wSoul] W3ait Fror Mke [lkive R4ock 'nm Swoul] dait gor ne [oive gock 'h doul]
dWait gFor nMe [olive gRock 'hn dSoul] Wdait Fgor Mne [loive Rgock 'nh Sdoul] eait tor Mee [pive tock 'j eoul] eWait tFor M [plive tRock 'jn eSoul] Weait Ftor Me [lpive Rtock 'nj Seoul]
sait vor Ms [liive 5ock 'b xoul] sWait vFor Mse [lve 5Rock 'bn xSoul] Wsait Fvor Mes [lvie R5ock 'nb Sxoul] 2ait dor M3 [ljve fock aoul] 2Wait dFor M3e [ljive fRock aSoul]
W2ait Fdor Me3 [lijve Rfock Saoul] qait Foor Mf [l9ve eock Sooul] qWait Fr Mfe [l9ive eRock Sul] Wqait Fro Mef [li9ve Reock Suol] Fkr Mr [llve Roock Skul]
Wit Fkor Mre Rck Skoul] Wiat Fokr Mer [lilve Rcok Sokul] Wzit F9r M4 [love Rkck S9ul] Wzait F9or M4e Rkock S9oul] Wazit Fo9r Me4 [liove Rokck So9ul]
Wqit F0r Md [lkve R9ck S0ul] F0or Mde R9ock S0oul] Waqit Fo0r Med [likve Ro9ck So0ul] Wsit Flr Mw [l8ve R0ck Slul] Flor Mwe [l8ive R0ock Sloul]
Wasit Folr Mew [li8ve Ro0ck Solul] Wwit Fir [luve Rlck Siul] Wwait Fior [luive Rlock Sioul] Wawit Foir [liuve Rolck Soiul] Wxit Forr [livve Rick Souul]
Wxait Fo [lie Riock Sol] Waxit For [liev Roick Solu] Waiit Fod [libe Rocck Sohl] Wat Fodr [libve Rok Sohul]

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