Hall & Oates
Method Of Modern Love

In the moonlite
Under startlite
Songs old as the night are what I've been dreaming of
Everybody's hard as iron
Locked in a modern world
Dreams are make of a different stuff

I believe love will always be the same
Ways and means are the parts subject to change
It's a method of modern love

I can call you
Got your number
Share my life with you a thousand miles away
If you've hurt me
I haven't shown it
Time's too tight to fight
And we're never face to face
Style is timeless and fashion's only now
We've got the ways no one needs to show us how

Mirror lyrics:

We've got the ways no one needs to show us how
Style is timeless and fashion's only now
And we're never face to face
Time's too tight to fight
I haven't shown it
If you've hurt me
Share my life with you a thousand miles away
Got your number
I can call you

It's a method of modern love
Ways and means are the parts subject to change
I believe love will always be the same

Dreams are make of a different stuff
Locked in a modern world
Everybody's hard as iron
Songs old as the night are what I've been dreaming of
Under startlite
In the moonlite

Relevant Tags:
MMethod OOf MModern LLove ethod f odern ove eMthod fO oMdern oLve jethod kf jodern kove jMethod kOf jModern kLove Mjethod Okf Mjodern Lkove
kethod 9f kodern oove kMethod 9Of kModern oLove Mkethod O9f Mkodern Loove nethod 0f nodern pove nMethod 0Of nModern pLove Mnethod O0f Mnodern Lpove
Meethod lf Moodern Mthod lOf Mdern Lve Mtehod Olf Mdoern Lvoe Msthod if Mkdern Lkve Msethod iOf Mesthod Oif Mokdern Lokve
M3thod Off M9dern L9ve M3ethod O M9odern L9ove Me3thod Of Mo9dern Lo9ve Mfthod Oc M0dern L0ve Mfethod Ocf M0odern L0ove Mefthod Ofc Mo0dern Lo0ve
Mrthod Or Mldern Llve Mrethod Orf Mlodern Llove Merthod Ofr Moldern Lolve M4thod Og Midern Live M4ethod Ogf Miodern Liove Me4thod Ofg Moidern Loive
Mdthod Ot Moddern Lovve Mdethod Otf Moern Loe Medthod Oft Moedrn Loev Mwthod Ov Moxern Lobe Mwethod Ovf Moxdern Lobve Mewthod Ofv Modxern Lovbe
Metthod Od Moeern Loce Mehod Odf Moedern Locve Mehtod Ofd Modeern Lovce Mefhod Mofern Loge Mofdern Logve Metfhod Modfern Lovge
Me5hod Morern Lofe Me5thod Mordern Lofve Met5hod Modrern Lovfe Mehhod Mocern Lovee Mehthod Mocdern Lov Methhod Modcern Love
Meyhod Mosern Lovs Meythod Mosdern Lovse Metyhod Modsern Loves Me6hod Lov3 Me6thod Modrn Lov3e Met6hod Modren Love3
Meghod Modsrn Lovf Megthod Metghod Modesrn Lovef Merhod Mod3rn Lovr

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