Jesse Mccartney
Why Don't You Kiss Her

We're the best of friends
And we share our secrets
She knows everything
That is on my mind
Lately, something's changed
As I lie awake in my bed
A voice here inside my head
Softly says

Why don't you kiss her
Why don't you tell her
Why don't you let her see
The feelings that you hide
Cause she'll never know
If you never show
The way you feel inside

Oh, I'm so afraid
To make that first move
Just a touch and we
Could cross the line
And everytime she's near
I wanna never let her go
Confess to her what my heart knows
Hold her close

Why don't you kiss her
Why don't you tell her
Why don't you let her see
The feelings that you hide
Cause she'll never know
If you never show
The way you feel inside

What would she say
I wonder, would she just turn away
Or would she promise me
That she's here to stay
It hurts me to wait
I keep asking myself

Why don't you kiss her (tell her you love her)
Why don't you tell her (tell her you need her)
Why don't you let her see
The feelings that you hide
Cause she'll never know
If you never show
The way you feel inside

Why don't you kiss her

Mirror lyrics:

Why don't you kiss her

The way you feel inside
If you never show
Cause she'll never know
The feelings that you hide
Why don't you let her see
Why don't you tell her (tell her you need her)
Why don't you kiss her (tell her you love her)

I keep asking myself
It hurts me to wait
That she's here to stay
Or would she promise me
I wonder, would she just turn away
What would she say

The way you feel inside
If you never show
Cause she'll never know
The feelings that you hide
Why don't you let her see
Why don't you tell her
Why don't you kiss her

Hold her close
Confess to her what my heart knows
I wanna never let her go
And everytime she's near
Could cross the line
Just a touch and we
To make that first move
Oh, I'm so afraid

The way you feel inside
If you never show
Cause she'll never know
The feelings that you hide
Why don't you let her see
Why don't you tell her
Why don't you kiss her

Softly says
A voice here inside my head
As I lie awake in my bed
Lately, something's changed
That is on my mind
She knows everything
And we share our secrets
We're the best of friends

Relevant Tags:
WWhy DDon't YYou KKiss HHer hy on't ou iss er hWy oDn't oYu iKss eHr ahy xon't gou liss jer aWhy xDon't gYou lKiss jHer Wahy Dxon't Ygou Kliss Hjer
3hy eon't hou oiss uer 3Why eDon't hYou oKiss uHer W3hy Deon't Yhou Koiss Huer dhy fon't 6ou miss ner dWhy fDon't 6You mKiss nHer Wdhy Dfon't Y6ou Kmiss Hner
ehy ron't uou jiss ber eWhy rDon't uYou jKiss bHer Wehy Dron't Yuou Kjiss Hber shy con't 7ou iiss ger sWhy cDon't 7You iKiss gHer Wshy Dcon't Y7ou Kiiss Hger
2hy son't jou yer 2Why sDon't jYou Kss yHer W2hy Dson't Yjou Ksis Hyer qhy Doon't tou Kjss Heer qWhy Dn't tYou Hr Wqhy Dno't Ytou Kijss Hre
Whhy Dkn't Yoou K9ss Hsr Wy Dkon't Yu K9iss Hser Wyh Dokn't Yuo Ki9ss Hesr Wjy D9n't Yku Klss H3r Wjhy D9on't Ykou H3er Whjy Do9n't Yoku Kilss He3r
Wuy D0n't Y9u Koss Hfr Wuhy D0on't Y9ou Hfer Whuy Do0n't Yo9u Kioss Hefr Wny Dln't Y0u Kkss Hrr Wnhy Dlon't Y0ou Kkiss Hrer Whny Doln't Yo0u Kikss Herr
Wby Din't Ylu K8ss H4r Wbhy Dion't Ylou K8iss H4er Whby Doin't Yolu Ki8ss He4r Wgy Donn't Yiu Kuss Hdr Wghy Do't Yiou Kuiss Hder

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