Jesse Mccartney
Rockin 'round The Christmas Tree

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

at the Christmas party hop

Mistletoe hung where you can see

Every couple tries to stop.

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

Let the Christmas spirit ring - (bop shoo wah-dee-wah)

Later we'll have some pumpkin pie

and we'll do some caroling! (do some caroling!)

You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear (ooh...)

voices singing, "Let's be jolly

Deck the halls with boughs of holly!"

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

have a Happy Holiday. (bop shoo wah-dee-wah)

Everyone dancing merrily,

in the new old-fashioned way!


You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear (ooh...)

voices singing, "Let's be jolly

Deck the halls with boughs of holly!"

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

have a Happy Holiday. (bop shoo wah-dee-wah)

Everyone dancing merrily,

in the new old-fashioned way!


Mirror lyrics:


in the new old-fashioned way!

Everyone dancing merrily,

have a Happy Holiday. (bop shoo wah-dee-wah)

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

Deck the halls with boughs of holly!"

voices singing, "Let's be jolly

You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear (ooh...)


in the new old-fashioned way!

Everyone dancing merrily,

have a Happy Holiday. (bop shoo wah-dee-wah)

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

Deck the halls with boughs of holly!"

voices singing, "Let's be jolly

You will get a sentimental feeling when you hear (ooh...)

and we'll do some caroling! (do some caroling!)

Later we'll have some pumpkin pie

Let the Christmas spirit ring - (bop shoo wah-dee-wah)

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

Every couple tries to stop.

Mistletoe hung where you can see

at the Christmas party hop

Rockin' around the Christmas tree

Relevant Tags:
RRockin ''round TThe CChristmas TTree ockin round he hristmas ree oRckin r'ound hTe hCristmas rTee dockin 'rround fhe fhristmas free dRockin 'ound fThe fChristmas fTree
Rdockin 'orund Tfhe Cfhristmas Tfree 4ockin 'dound 5he xhristmas 5ree 4Rockin 'dround 5The xChristmas 5Tree R4ockin 'rdound T5he Cxhristmas T5ree gockin '4ound hhe vhristmas hree
gRockin '4round hThe vChristmas hTree Rgockin 'r4ound Thhe Cvhristmas Three tockin 'gound yhe dhristmas yree tRockin 'ground yThe dChristmas yTree Rtockin 'rgound Tyhe Cdhristmas Tyree
5ockin 'tound 6he Chhristmas 6ree 5Rockin 'tround 6The Cristmas 6Tree R5ockin 'rtound T6he Crhistmas T6ree fockin '5ound ghe Cjristmas gree fRockin '5round gThe Cjhristmas gTree
Rfockin 'r5ound Tghe Chjristmas Tgree eockin 'found rhe Curistmas rree eRockin 'fround rThe Cuhristmas rTree Reockin 'rfound Trhe Churistmas Trree Roockin 'eound Cnristmas
Rckin 'eround Te Cnhristmas Tee Rcokin 'reound Teh Chnristmas Tere Rkckin 'roound Tje Cbristmas Tdee Rkockin 'rund Tjhe Cbhristmas Tdree Rokckin 'ruond Thje Chbristmas Trdee
R9ckin 'rkund Tue Cgristmas T4ee R9ockin 'rkound Tuhe Cghristmas T4ree Ro9ckin 'rokund Thue Chgristmas Tr4ee R0ckin 'r9und Tne Cyristmas Tgee R0ockin 'r9ound Tnhe Cyhristmas
Ro0ckin 'ro9und Thne Chyristmas Trgee Rlckin 'r0und Tbe Chrristmas Ttee Rlockin 'r0ound Tbhe Chistmas Ttree Rolckin 'ro0und Thbe Chirstmas Trtee Rickin 'rlund Tge Chdistmas T5ee
Riockin 'rlound Chdristmas Roickin 'rolund Thge Chrdistmas Tr5ee Rocckin 'riund Tye Ch4istmas Tfee Rokin 'riound Ch4ristmas Rokcin 'roiund Thye Chr4istmas Trfee
Rofkin 'rouund Thee Chgistmas Teee Rofckin 'rond Th Teree Rocfkin 'ronud The Chrgistmas Treee Roxkin 'rohnd Ths Chtistmas Roxckin 'rohund Thse Chtristmas Tre
Rocxkin 'rouhnd Thes Chrtistmas Tree Rovkin 'ro7nd Th3 Ch5istmas Trse Rovckin 'ro7und Th3e Ch5ristmas Trsee Rocvkin 'rou7nd The3 Chr5istmas Trese Rodkin 'roknd Thf Chfistmas Tr3e
Rodckin Thfe Chfristmas Tr3ee Rocdkin 'rouknd Thef Chrfistmas Tre3e Rockkin 'roind Thr Cheistmas Trfe Rocin Thre Cheristmas Rocikn 'rouind Ther Chreistmas Trefe
Roclin 'ro8nd Th4 Chriistmas Trre Roclkin 'ro8und Th4e Chrstmas Rocklin 'rou8nd The4 Chrsitmas Trere Rocoin 'rojnd Thd Chrjstmas Tr4e Rocokin 'rojund Thde Chrjistmas
Rockoin 'roujnd Thed Chrijstmas Tre4e Rocmin 'roynd Thw Chr9stmas Trde Rocmkin 'royund Thwe Chr9istmas Rockmin 'rouynd Thew Chri9stmas Trede Rocjin 'rounnd Chrlstmas Trwe
Rocjkin 'roud Chrlistmas Trwee Rockjin 'roudn Chrilstmas Trewe Rociin 'roumd Chrostmas Rocikin 'roumnd Chroistmas Rockiin 'rounmd Chriostmas
'rouhd Chrkstmas Tres Rockn Chrkistmas Rockni 'rounhd Chrikstmas Trees Rockjn 'roujd Chr8stmas Tre3 Chr8istmas
Rockijn 'rounjd Chri8stmas Tree3 Rock9n 'roubd Chrustmas Tref Rock9in 'roubnd Chruistmas Rocki9n 'rounbd Chriustmas Treef Rockln 'roundd Chrisstmas Trer
'roun Chritmas Rockiln 'round Chritsmas Treer

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