Hank Williams Sr.
Won't You Sometimes Think Of Me

Though our paths in life have parted
You no longer care for me
But when you're happy with another
Won't you sometimes think of me?

When the evenin' sun is sinking
Down behind the trees
And the moon is slowly rising
Won't you sometimes think of me?

I'll always keep your picture
It means so much to me
And every night I'll pray dear that
You'll sometimes think of me.

Think of days that are gone dear
Days we could recall
If you would only try dear
But still you blame me for all.

When the evenin' sun is sinking
Down behind the trees
And the moon is slowly rising
Won't you sometimes think of me?

All I can say's I tried dear
But you wouldn't let it be
So if you're ever sad and lonely
Won't you sometimes think of me?

When the evenin' sun is sinking
Down behind the trees
And the moon is slowly rising
Won't you sometimes think of me?...

Mirror lyrics:

Won't you sometimes think of me?...
And the moon is slowly rising
Down behind the trees
When the evenin' sun is sinking

Won't you sometimes think of me?
So if you're ever sad and lonely
But you wouldn't let it be
All I can say's I tried dear

Won't you sometimes think of me?
And the moon is slowly rising
Down behind the trees
When the evenin' sun is sinking

But still you blame me for all.
If you would only try dear
Days we could recall
Think of days that are gone dear

You'll sometimes think of me.
And every night I'll pray dear that
It means so much to me
I'll always keep your picture

Won't you sometimes think of me?
And the moon is slowly rising
Down behind the trees
When the evenin' sun is sinking

Won't you sometimes think of me?
But when you're happy with another
You no longer care for me
Though our paths in life have parted

Relevant Tags:
WWon't YYou SSometimes TThink OOf MMe on't ou ometimes hink f e oWn't oYu oSmetimes hTink fO eM aon't gou zometimes fhink kf je aWon't gYou zSometimes fThink kOf jMe
Waon't Ygou Szometimes Tfhink Okf Mje 3on't hou wometimes 5hink 9f ke 3Won't hYou wSometimes 5Think 9Of kMe W3on't Yhou Swometimes T5hink O9f Mke don't 6ou dometimes hhink 0f ne
dWon't 6You dSometimes hThink 0Of nMe Wdon't Y6ou Sdometimes Thhink O0f Mne eon't uou eometimes yhink lf Mee eWon't uYou eSometimes yThink lOf M Weon't Yuou Seometimes Tyhink Olf Me
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W2on't Yjou Saometimes Tghink Of Me3 qon't tou Soometimes rhink Oc Mf qWon't tYou Smetimes rThink Ocf Mfe Wqon't Ytou Smoetimes Trhink Ofc Mef Woon't Yoou Skmetimes Or Mr
Wn't Yu Skometimes Tink Orf Mre Wno't Yuo Sokmetimes Tihnk Ofr Mer Wkn't Yku S9metimes Tjink Og M4 Wkon't Ykou S9ometimes Tjhink Ogf M4e Wokn't Yoku So9metimes Thjink Ofg Me4
W9n't Y9u S0metimes Tuink Ot Md W9on't Y9ou S0ometimes Tuhink Otf Mde Wo9n't Yo9u So0metimes Thuink Oft Med W0n't Y0u Slmetimes Tnink Ov Mw W0on't Y0ou Slometimes Tnhink Ovf Mwe
Wo0n't Yo0u Solmetimes Thnink Ofv Mew Wln't Ylu Simetimes Tbink Od Wlon't Ylou Siometimes Tbhink Odf Woln't Yolu Soimetimes Thbink Ofd Win't Yiu Sommetimes Tgink
Wion't Yiou Soetimes Woin't Yoiu Soemtimes Thgink Wonn't Youu Sojetimes Tyink Wo't Yo Sojmetimes Wo'nt You Somjetimes Thyink
Wom't Yoh Soketimes Thiink Womn't Yohu Thnk Wonm't Youh Somketimes Thnik Woh't Yo7 Sonetimes Thjnk Wohn't Yo7u Sonmetimes
Wonh't You7 Somnetimes Thijnk Woj't Yok Someetimes Th9nk Wojn't Somtimes Th9ink Wonj't Youk Somteimes Thi9nk Wob't Yoi Somstimes Thlnk
Wobn't Somsetimes Thlink Wonb't Youi Somestimes Thilnk Won''t Yo8 Som3times Thonk Wont Yo8u Som3etimes Thoink Wont' You8 Some3times Thionk
Won'tt Yoj Somftimes Thknk Won' Yoju Somfetimes Thkink Won't Youj Someftimes Thiknk Won'f Yoy Somrtimes Th8nk Won'ft Yoyu Somretimes Th8ink
Won'tf Youy Somertimes Thi8nk Won'5 Som4times Thunk Won'5t Som4etimes Won't5 Some4times Thiunk Won'h Somdtimes Thinnk
Won'ht Somdetimes Thik Won'th Somedtimes Thikn Won'y Somwtimes Thimk Won'yt Somwetimes Thimnk Won'ty Somewtimes Thinmk
Won'6 Somettimes Thihk Won'6t Someimes Thihnk Won't6 Someitmes Thinhk Won'g Somefimes Thijk Won'gt
Won'tg Sometfimes Thinjk Won'r Some5imes Thibk Won'rt Some5times Thibnk Won'tr Somet5imes Thinbk Somehimes Thinkk
Somehtimes Thin

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