Hank Williams Sr.
I Lost The Only Love I Knew

You ask me why my hearts so sad
And why the teardrops fill my eyes
A heart can't sing that's filled with pain
How can it laugh when it cries.

I saw my dreams all fade and die
Like castles in the blue
Each dawn will bring more tears and pain
I've lost the only love I knew.

Oh, life for me is useless now
It seems so empty and blue
There's no more use to try again
I fail in everything I do.

It's hard to know you'll never have
The one you love so true
While the world's asleep I'll lay and cry
I lost the only love I knew...

Mirror lyrics:

I lost the only love I knew...
While the world's asleep I'll lay and cry
The one you love so true
It's hard to know you'll never have

I fail in everything I do.
There's no more use to try again
It seems so empty and blue
Oh, life for me is useless now

I've lost the only love I knew.
Each dawn will bring more tears and pain
Like castles in the blue
I saw my dreams all fade and die

How can it laugh when it cries.
A heart can't sing that's filled with pain
And why the teardrops fill my eyes
You ask me why my hearts so sad

Relevant Tags:
II LLost TThe OOnly LLove II KKnew ost he nly ove new I oLst hTe nOly oLve I nKew j kost fhe knly kove j lnew jI kLost fThe kOnly kLove jI lKnew
Ij Lkost Tfhe Oknly Lkove Ij Klnew 9 oost 5he 9nly oove 9 onew 9I oLost 5The 9Only oLove 9I oKnew I9 Loost T5he O9nly Loove I9 Konew l post hhe 0nly pove l mnew
lI pLost hThe 0Only pLove lI mKnew Il Lpost Thhe O0nly Lpove Il Kmnew o yhe lnly o jnew oI Lst yThe lOnly Lve oI jKnew Io Lsot Tyhe Olnly Lvoe Io Kjnew
k Lkst 6he inly Lkve k inew kI 6The iOnly kI iKnew Ik Lokst T6he Oinly Lokve Ik Kinew 8 L9st ghe Onnly L9ve 8 Knnew 8I L9ost gThe Oly L9ove 8I Kew
I8 Lo9st Tghe Olny Lo9ve I8 Kenw u L0st rhe Omly L0ve u Kmew uI L0ost rThe Omnly L0ove uI Iu Lo0st Trhe Onmly Lo0ve Iu Knmew Llst Ohly Llve Khew
Llost Te Ohnly Llove Khnew Lolst Teh Onhly Lolve Knhew List Tje Ojly Live Kjew Liost Tjhe Ojnly Liove Loist Thje Onjly Loive Knjew
Losst Tue Obly Lovve Kbew Lot Tuhe Obnly Loe Kbnew Lots Thue Onbly Loev Knbew Lozt Tne Onlly Lobe Kneew Lozst Tnhe Ony Lobve Knw
Loszt Thne Onyl Lovbe Knwe Lowt Tbe Onky Loce Knsw

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