Hank Williams Sr.
Blue Love (in My Heart)

(Floyd Jenkins (aka Fred Rose))

I've got a blue love in my heart
What can I do, love, with my heart
It's got a burnin', yearnin' while we're apart
I've got a blue love in my heart.

So blue the nights, so blue the days
Why don't you write to me and say?

You've got a true love in your heart
An "I'll come thru love" in your heart
And stop this burnin', yearnin' while we're apart
I've got a blue love in my heart.

I've got an old flame in my heart
A solid-gold flame in my heart
I'm like a weepin'-willow, while we're apart
I've got a blue love in my heart.

What can I do, where can I go
I never knew I loved you so.

I've got a blue love in my heart
What can I do love with my heart
I'm like a weepin-willow, while we're apart
I got a blue love in my heart...

Mirror lyrics:

I got a blue love in my heart...
I'm like a weepin-willow, while we're apart
What can I do love with my heart
I've got a blue love in my heart

I never knew I loved you so.
What can I do, where can I go

I've got a blue love in my heart.
I'm like a weepin'-willow, while we're apart
A solid-gold flame in my heart
I've got an old flame in my heart

I've got a blue love in my heart.
And stop this burnin', yearnin' while we're apart
An "I'll come thru love" in your heart
You've got a true love in your heart

Why don't you write to me and say?
So blue the nights, so blue the days

I've got a blue love in my heart.
It's got a burnin', yearnin' while we're apart
What can I do, love, with my heart
I've got a blue love in my heart

(Floyd Jenkins (aka Fred Rose))

Relevant Tags:
BBlue LLove ((in MMy HHeart) lue ove in y eart) lBue oLve i(n yM eHart) vlue kove (iin jy jeart) vBlue kLove (n jMy jHeart) Bvlue Lkove (ni Mjy Hjeart)
glue oove (jn ky ueart) gBlue oLove (jin kMy uHeart) Bglue Loove (ijn Mky Hueart) nlue pove (9n ny neart) nBlue pLove (9in nMy nHeart) Bnlue Lpove (i9n Mny Hneart)
hlue (ln Myy beart) hBlue Lve (lin M bHeart) Bhlue Lvoe (iln My Hbeart) Bllue Lkve (on Mg geart) Bue (oin Mgy gHeart) Bule Lokve (ion Myg Hgeart)
Bkue L9ve (kn Mh yeart) Bklue L9ove (kin Mhy yHeart) Blkue Lo9ve (ikn Myh Hyeart) Boue L0ve (8n M6 Heeart) Bolue L0ove (8in M6y Hart) Bloue Lo0ve (i8n My6 Haert)
Bpue Llve (un Mu Hsart) Bplue Llove (uin Muy Hseart) Blpue Lolve (iun Myu Hesart) Bluue Live (inn M7 H3art) Ble Liove (i M7y H3eart) Bleu Loive (in My7 He3art)
Blhe Lovve (im Mj Hfart) Blhue Loe (imn Hfeart) Bluhe Loev (inm Myj Hefart) Bl7e Lobe (ih Mt Hrart) Bl7ue Lobve (ihn Mty Hreart) Blu7e Lovbe (inh Myt Herart)
Blke Loce (ij H4art) Locve H4eart) Bluke Lovce (inj He4art) Blie Loge (ib Hdart) Bliue Logve (ibn Hdeart) Bluie Lovge (inb Hedart)
Bl8e Lofe Hwart) Bl8ue Lofve Hweart) Blu8e Lovfe Hewart) Blje Lovee Heaart) Bljue Lov Hert) Bluje Love Herat)
Blye Lovs Hezrt) Blyue Lovse Hezart) Bluye Loves Heazrt) Bluee Lov3 Heqrt) Blu Lov3e Heqart) Blue Love3 Heaqrt)

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