Bruce Lee Vs. The Kiss Army

so, you think you're kung fu's pretty good, eh?
i want to fight your brother
him, against me
let's kung fu!!
the smoke is clearing you can see
peter and paul stanley
kareem and bruce they've made a truce
while ace and gene took pcp

a flying kick right through the air
his foot got stuck in peter's hair
ace and gene took on kareem
but slipped and fell in afro sheen
then bruce yelled out "oh boy"
i think he meant "la choy"
kareem and bruce don't miss when throwing stars at kiss

gene now has a shorter tongue
they should have used their love gun
gene and ace escaped today
they'll live to fight another day

oh, oh my god
ancient chinese secret sent by buddha
bruce and kareem out shooting baskets for two points

Mirror lyrics:

bruce and kareem out shooting baskets for two points
ancient chinese secret sent by buddha
oh, oh my god

they'll live to fight another day
gene and ace escaped today
they should have used their love gun
gene now has a shorter tongue

kareem and bruce don't miss when throwing stars at kiss
i think he meant "la choy"
then bruce yelled out "oh boy"
but slipped and fell in afro sheen
ace and gene took on kareem
his foot got stuck in peter's hair
a flying kick right through the air

while ace and gene took pcp
kareem and bruce they've made a truce
peter and paul stanley
the smoke is clearing you can see
let's kung fu!!
him, against me
i want to fight your brother
so, you think you're kung fu's pretty good, eh?

Relevant Tags:
BBruce LLee VVs. TThe KKiss AArmy ruce ee s. he iss rmy rBuce eLe sV. hTe iKss rAmy vruce kee bs. fhe liss zrmy vBruce kLee bVs. fThe lKiss zArmy
Bvruce Lkee Vbs. Tfhe Kliss Azrmy gruce oee cs. 5he oiss qrmy gBruce oLee cVs. 5The oKiss qArmy Bgruce Loee Vcs. T5he Koiss Aqrmy nruce pee gs. hhe miss srmy
nBruce pLee gVs. hThe mKiss sArmy Bnruce Lpee Vgs. Thhe Kmiss Asrmy hruce Leee fs. yhe jiss wrmy hBruce Le fVs. yThe jKiss wArmy Bhruce Lee Vfs. Tyhe Kjiss Awrmy
Brruce Lse Vss. 6he iiss xrmy Buce Lsee V. 6The iKiss xArmy Burce Lese V.s T6he Kiiss Axrmy Bduce L3e Vz. ghe Arrmy Bdruce L3ee Vzs. gThe Kss Amy
Brduce Le3e Vsz. Tghe Ksis Amry B4uce Lfe Vw. rhe Kjss Admy B4ruce Lfee Vws. rThe Adrmy Br4uce Lefe Vsw. Trhe Kijss Ardmy Bguce Lre Vd. K9ss A4my
Lree Vds. Te K9iss A4rmy Brguce Lere Vsd. Teh Ki9ss Ar4my Btuce L4e Ve. Tje Klss Agmy Btruce L4ee Ves. Tjhe Agrmy Brtuce Le4e Vse. Thje Kilss Argmy
B5uce Lde Vx. Tue Koss Atmy B5ruce Ldee Vxs. Tuhe Atrmy Br5uce Lede Vsx. Thue Kioss Artmy Bfuce Lwe Va. Tne Kkss A5my Bfruce Lwee Vas. Tnhe Kkiss A5rmy
Brfuce Lewe Vsa. Thne Kikss Ar5my Beuce Vs.. Tbe K8ss Afmy Beruce Vs Tbhe K8iss Afrmy Breuce Vs. Thbe Ki8ss Arfmy Bruuce Les Tge Kuss Aemy
Brce Kuiss Aermy Brcue Lees Thge Kiuss Aremy Brhce Le3 Tye Kisss Armmy Brhuce Kis Ary Bruhce Lee3 Thye Kiss Arym
Br7ce Lef Thee Kizs Arjy Br7uce Th Kizss Arjmy Bru7ce Leef The Kiszs Armjy Brkce Ler Ths Kiws Arky Brkuce Thse Kiwss Arkmy

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