Rise And Live

Woy na na now now stan na na na yay na na no no stan na na woy woy woy Woy woy woy wa wa wwwwooooyyy

My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon

What we need is love to make the world go round
All we need is peace
So the west can travel to the east
And love one another what's wrong with my brothers and sisters
We keep forgetting
We keep forgetting
Who we are

My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon

I say
Stop the fussing and fighting
Why can't you manage to live clean
Stop waring stop hating each other
Mankind seem to forget the purpose we fall
Always trying to be something else
But I'll never forget where I'am coming from

My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon

Na now aye
Na na na na no na na no
Yeeaah eh eh aye aye wwooyy yay
No no no
No no ha ho
Noooo ho ho ho ho who ho
I say
Rise and live as one.....
[Background:] Peace love
[Gyptian:] we been suffering

My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
[Fading out:] My people rise and live as one

Mirror lyrics:

[Fading out:] My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
My people rise and live as one

[Gyptian:] we been suffering
[Background:] Peace love
Rise and live as one.....
I say
Noooo ho ho ho ho who ho
No no ha ho
No no no
Yeeaah eh eh aye aye wwooyy yay
Na na na na no na na no
Na now aye

We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
My people rise and live as one

But I'll never forget where I'am coming from
Always trying to be something else
Mankind seem to forget the purpose we fall
Stop waring stop hating each other
Why can't you manage to live clean
Stop the fussing and fighting
I say

We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
My people rise and live as one

Who we are
We keep forgetting
We keep forgetting
And love one another what's wrong with my brothers and sisters
So the west can travel to the east
All we need is peace
What we need is love to make the world go round

We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
My people rise and live as one
We need more peace and love inna dis a gideon
My people rise and live as one

Woy na na now now stan na na na yay na na no no stan na na woy woy woy Woy woy woy wa wa wwwwooooyyy

Relevant Tags:
RRise AAnd LLive ise nd ive iRse nAd iLve dise znd kive dRise zAnd kLive Rdise Aznd Lkive 4ise qnd oive 4Rise qAnd oLive R4ise Aqnd Loive
gise snd pive gRise sAnd pLive Rgise Asnd Lpive tise wnd Liive tRise wAnd Lve Rtise Awnd Lvie 5ise xnd Ljve 5Rise xAnd Ljive R5ise Axnd Lijve
fise Annd L9ve fRise Ad L9ive Rfise Adn Li9ve eise Amd Llve eRise Amnd Llive Reise Anmd Lilve Riise Ahd Love Rse Ahnd Rsie Anhd Liove
Rjse Ajd Lkve Rjise Ajnd Rijse Anjd Likve R9se Abd L8ve R9ise Abnd L8ive Ri9se Anbd Li8ve Rlse Andd Luve Rlise An Luive Rilse And Liuve
Rose Anx Livve Roise Anxd Lie Riose Andx Liev Rkse Ane Libe Rkise Aned Libve Rikse Ande Livbe R8se Anf Lice R8ise Anfd Licve Ri8se Andf Livce

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