H And Claire
Beauty And The Beast

Tale as old as time
True as it can be
Barely even friends
Then somebody bends

Just a little change
Small to say the least
Both a little scared
Neither one prepared
Beauty and the Beast

Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise


Ever just the same
Ever a surprise
Ever as before
Ever just as sure
As the sun will rise

Tale as old as time
Tune as old as song
Bittersweet and strange
Finding you can change
Learning you were wrong

Certain as the sun
(Certain as the sun)
Rising in the east

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast

Tale as old as time
Song as old as rhyme
Beauty and the Beast

Mirror lyrics:

Beauty and the Beast
Song as old as rhyme
Tale as old as time

Beauty and the Beast
Song as old as rhyme
Tale as old as time

Rising in the east
(Certain as the sun)
Certain as the sun

Learning you were wrong
Finding you can change
Bittersweet and strange
Tune as old as song
Tale as old as time

As the sun will rise
Ever just as sure
Ever as before
Ever a surprise
Ever just the same


As the sun will rise
Ever just as sure
Ever as before
Ever a surprise
Ever just the same

Beauty and the Beast
Neither one prepared
Both a little scared
Small to say the least
Just a little change

Then somebody bends
Barely even friends
True as it can be
Tale as old as time

Relevant Tags:
BBeauty AAnd TThe BBeast eauty nd he east eBauty nAd hTe eBast veauty znd fhe veast vBeauty zAnd fThe vBeast Bveauty Aznd Tfhe Bveast
geauty qnd 5he geast gBeauty qAnd 5The gBeast Bgeauty Aqnd T5he Bgeast neauty snd hhe neast nBeauty sAnd hThe nBeast Bneauty Asnd Thhe Bneast
heauty wnd yhe heast hBeauty wAnd yThe hBeast Bheauty Awnd Tyhe Bheast Beeauty xnd 6he Beeast Bauty xAnd 6The Bast Baeuty Axnd T6he Baest
Bsauty Annd ghe Bsast Bseauty Ad gThe Bseast Besauty Adn Tghe Besast B3auty Amd rhe B3ast B3eauty Amnd rThe B3east Be3auty Anmd Trhe Be3ast
Bfauty Ahd Bfast Bfeauty Ahnd Te Bfeast Befauty Anhd Teh Befast Brauty Ajd Tje Brast Breauty Ajnd Tjhe Breast Berauty Anjd Thje Berast
B4auty Abd Tue B4ast B4eauty Abnd Tuhe B4east Be4auty Anbd Thue Be4ast Bdauty Andd Tne Bdast Bdeauty An Tnhe Bdeast Bedauty And Thne Bedast
Bwauty Anx Tbe Bwast Bweauty Anxd Tbhe Bweast Bewauty Andx Thbe Bewast Beaauty Ane Tge Beaast Beuty Aned Best Beuaty Ande Thge Besat
Bezuty Anf Tye Bezst Bezauty Anfd Bezast Beazuty Andf Thye Beazst Bequty Anr Thee Beqst Beqauty Anrd Th Beqast Beaquty Andr The Beaqst
Besuty Anc Ths Besst Ancd Thse Beasuty Andc Thes Beasst Bewuty Ans Th3 Bewst Ansd Th3e Beawuty Ands The3 Beawst
Bexuty Thf Bexst Bexauty Thfe Bexast Beaxuty Thef Beaxst Beauuty Thr Beaty Thre Beat Beatuy Ther Beats

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