Sometimes U Make Me Smile

When I think of you.
You make me smile
Sometimes you make me smile,
I can feel you.
I'm missing you.

Verse 1:
Where is my heaven?
Where can you be?
How do I get there?
Do I believe?
Where is my sunshine?
Where is your light?
I wanna see you,
So you can make me smile.

Sometimes you make me smile.
Sometimes you make me smile.
Sometimes you make me smile I can feel you.
I'm missing you.

Verse 2:
The most fragile part of me,
Nurses our strongest connection.
You live in my memory.
With a philosophy,
That now offers me completion.
I'm so well.
And it's strange to be.
I'm torn by misdirection.
You're my ambassador.
You personify my admiration.
So beautiful.
I live for you.
As you live for me.


Verse 3:
This is such a happy ever after.
You traveled miles,
Now we're past the finishing line.
We're starting on time.
My music wears your name,
If they knew where to look.
They'd find it.
You showed me.
I am I,
Because you be.
So magnificent.
The most amazing story I ever told.
So much more to be written.
Thank you.

Sometimes you make me smile.
Sometimes you make me smile.
Sometimes you make me smile, I can feel you.
I'm missing you.
My love,
Missing my love.
I know I can hear you.
I'm missing you.

I only pray my skin be as soft as yours.
My wisdom flow so fluidly from my mind.
My eyes speak so truly of my spirit,
And my laughter speak the clarity of time.
You were once the I, that's now missing you.
You were once the baby, born.
And you had dreams of making a difference in the world.
My journey was formed.
* I feel you
(I feel you)
I hear you
(I hear you)
I see you
(I see)
I believe in you
(I be)
But I cry.
I cry
My light
(My light)
My light

*repeat x3

Mirror lyrics:

*repeat x3

My light
(My light)
My light
I cry
But I cry.
(I be)
I believe in you
(I see)
I see you
(I hear you)
I hear you
(I feel you)
* I feel you
My journey was formed.
And you had dreams of making a difference in the world.
You were once the baby, born.
You were once the I, that's now missing you.
And my laughter speak the clarity of time.
My eyes speak so truly of my spirit,
My wisdom flow so fluidly from my mind.
I only pray my skin be as soft as yours.

I'm missing you.
I know I can hear you.
Missing my love.
My love,
I'm missing you.
Sometimes you make me smile, I can feel you.
Sometimes you make me smile.
Sometimes you make me smile.

Thank you.
So much more to be written.
The most amazing story I ever told.
So magnificent.
Because you be.
I am I,
You showed me.
They'd find it.
If they knew where to look.
My music wears your name,
We're starting on time.
Now we're past the finishing line.
You traveled miles,
This is such a happy ever after.
Verse 3:


As you live for me.
I live for you.
So beautiful.
You personify my admiration.
You're my ambassador.
I'm torn by misdirection.
And it's strange to be.
I'm so well.
That now offers me completion.
With a philosophy,
You live in my memory.
Nurses our strongest connection.
The most fragile part of me,
Verse 2:

I'm missing you.
Sometimes you make me smile I can feel you.
Sometimes you make me smile.
Sometimes you make me smile.

So you can make me smile.
I wanna see you,
Where is your light?
Where is my sunshine?
Do I believe?
How do I get there?
Where can you be?
Where is my heaven?
Verse 1:

I'm missing you.
I can feel you.
Sometimes you make me smile,
You make me smile
When I think of you.

Relevant Tags:
SSometimes UU MMake MMe SSmile ometimes ake e mile oSmetimes U aMke eM mSile zometimes h jake je zmile zSometimes hU jMake jMe zSmile
Szometimes Uh Mjake Mje Szmile wometimes 7 kake ke wmile wSometimes 7U kMake kMe wSmile Swometimes U7 Mkake Mke Swmile dometimes k nake ne dmile
dSometimes kU nMake nMe dSmile Sdometimes Uk Mnake Mne Sdmile eometimes i Maake Mee emile eSometimes iU Mke M eSmile Seometimes Ui Mkae Me Semile
xometimes 8 Mzke Ms xmile xSometimes 8U Mzake Mse xSmile Sxometimes U8 Mazke Mes Sxmile aometimes j Mqke M3 amile aSometimes jU Mqake M3e aSmile
Saometimes Uj Maqke Me3 Samile Soometimes y Mske Mf Smmile Smetimes yU Msake Mfe Sile Smoetimes Uy Maske Mef Simle Skmetimes Mwke Mr Sjile
Skometimes Mwake Mre Sjmile Sokmetimes Mawke Mer Smjile S9metimes Mxke M4 Skile S9ometimes Mxake M4e Skmile So9metimes Maxke Me4 Smkile
S0metimes Makke Md Snile S0ometimes Mae Mde Snmile So0metimes Maek Med Smnile Slmetimes Male Mw Smiile Slometimes Malke Mwe Smle
Solmetimes Makle Mew Smlie Simetimes Maoe Smjle Siometimes Maoke Soimetimes Makoe Smijle Sommetimes Mame Sm9le
Soetimes Mamke Sm9ile Soemtimes Makme Smi9le Sojetimes Maje Smlle Sojmetimes Majke Smlile Somjetimes Makje Smille
Soketimes Maie Smole Maike Smoile Somketimes Makie Smiole Sonetimes Makee Smkle Sonmetimes Mak
Somnetimes Make Smikle Someetimes Maks Sm8le Somtimes Makse Sm8ile Somteimes Makes Smi8le Somstimes Mak3 Smule
Somsetimes Mak3e Smuile Somestimes Make3 Smiule Som3times Makf Som3etimes Makfe Smie Some3times Makef Smiel
Somftimes Makr Smike Somfetimes Makre Someftimes Maker Smilke Somrtimes Mak4 Smioe Somretimes Mak4e
Somertimes Make4 Smiloe Som4times Makd Smipe Som4etimes Makde Smiple Some4times Maked Smilpe Somdtimes Makw Smilee
Somdetimes Makwe Smil Somedtimes Makew Smile Somwtimes Smils Somwetimes Smilse Somewtimes Smiles
Somettimes Smil3 Someimes Smil3e Someitmes Smile3 Somefimes Smilf Smilfe
Sometfimes Smilef Some5imes Smilr Some5times Smilre Somet5imes Smiler Somehimes Smil4
Somehtimes Smil4e

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