I Miss You (another Version)

I know if you could hear me you would
Say there are always two sides of a story
You're so right, here's mine
I cannot live without you

Love was never easy,
But leaving you was hard,
And time didn't heal my wounds at all
I wonder, if you know what I'm going through
All the lonely times that we're apart

I miss you, oh I miss you
I'm gonna need you more and more each day
I miss you, more than words can say
More than words can ever say

Saying sorry was a question of my pride
Pride can push aside a loving heart,
In the end emotion has ruled my mind
And I'm asking for a second start


Maybe I've said words that really didn't
mean, but I know, every day
When a man does wrong
I know I miss you


Mirror lyrics:


I know I miss you
When a man does wrong
mean, but I know, every day
Maybe I've said words that really didn't


And I'm asking for a second start
In the end emotion has ruled my mind
Pride can push aside a loving heart,
Saying sorry was a question of my pride

More than words can ever say
I miss you, more than words can say
I'm gonna need you more and more each day
I miss you, oh I miss you

All the lonely times that we're apart
I wonder, if you know what I'm going through
And time didn't heal my wounds at all
But leaving you was hard,
Love was never easy,

I cannot live without you
You're so right, here's mine
Say there are always two sides of a story
I know if you could hear me you would

Relevant Tags:
II MMiss YYou ((another VVersion) iss ou another ersion) I iMss oYu a(nother eVrsion) j jiss gou (aanother bersion) jI jMiss gYou (nother bVersion)
Ij Mjiss Ygou (naother Vbersion) 9 kiss hou (znother cersion) 9I kMiss hYou (zanother cVersion) I9 Mkiss Yhou (aznother Vcersion) l niss 6ou (qnother gersion)
lI nMiss 6You (qanother gVersion) Il Mniss Y6ou (aqnother Vgersion) o Miiss uou (snother fersion) oI Mss uYou (sanother fVersion) Io Msis Yuou (asnother Vfersion)
k Mjss 7ou (wnother Veersion) kI 7You (wanother Vrsion) Ik Mijss Y7ou (awnother Vresion) 8 M9ss jou (xnother Vsrsion) 8I M9iss jYou (xanother Vsersion)
I8 Mi9ss Yjou (axnother Vesrsion) u Mlss tou (annother V3rsion) uI Mliss tYou (aother V3ersion) Iu Milss Ytou (aonther Ve3rsion) Moss Yoou (amother Vfrsion)
Moiss Yu (amnother Mioss Yuo (anmother Vefrsion) Mkss Yku (ahother Vrrsion) Ykou (ahnother Vrersion) Mikss Yoku (anhother Verrsion)
M8ss Y9u (ajother V4rsion) M8iss Y9ou (ajnother V4ersion) Mi8ss Yo9u (anjother Ve4rsion) Muss Y0u (abother Vdrsion) Muiss Y0ou (abnother Vdersion)
Miuss Yo0u (anbother Vedrsion) Misss Ylu (anoother Vwrsion) Mis Ylou (anther Vwersion) Miss Yolu (antoher Vewrsion) Mizs Yiu (ankther
Mizss Yiou (ankother Vesion) Miszs Yoiu (anokther Vesrion) Miws Youu (an9ther Vedsion) Miwss Yo (an9other Misws You (ano9ther Verdsion)
Mids Yoh (an0ther Ve4sion) Midss Yohu (an0other Misds Youh (ano0ther Ver4sion) Mies Yo7 (anlther Vegsion) Miess Yo7u (anlother Vegrsion)
Mises You7 (anolther Vergsion) Mixs Yok (anither Vetsion) Mixss (aniother Vetrsion) Misxs Youk (anoither Vertsion) Mias Yoi (anotther Ve5sion)
Miass (anoher Ve5rsion) Misas Youi (anohter Ver5sion) Yo8 (anofher Vefsion) Yo8u (anofther You8 (anotfher Verfsion)
Misz Yoj (ano5her Veesion) Yoju (ano5ther Missz Youj (anot5her Veresion) Misw Yoy (anohher Verssion) Yoyu (anohther Verion)
Missw Youy (anothher Verison) Misd (anoyher Verzion) (anoyther Verzsion) Missd (anotyher Verszion) Mise (ano6her Verwion)

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