The Elemental's Revenge

Roaring thunder
Lightnings scorched the Earth
A flood is rising
Fire and water consuming life
Mayhem from the skies!
The final ordeal for mankind

The elemental's revenge
Now the price will be paid
For ages of ignorance and greed
Cheap human lives can't really repay
But form a decent alternative
For quenching wrathful hatred

Fleas and rats deliver
An all-consuming plague
Festering across nations
Consuming human spirits
That's what they get back
For lust and greed!

Mirror lyrics:

For lust and greed!
That's what they get back
Consuming human spirits
Festering across nations
An all-consuming plague
Fleas and rats deliver

For quenching wrathful hatred
But form a decent alternative
Cheap human lives can't really repay
For ages of ignorance and greed
Now the price will be paid
The elemental's revenge

The final ordeal for mankind
Mayhem from the skies!
Fire and water consuming life
A flood is rising
Lightnings scorched the Earth
Roaring thunder

Relevant Tags:
TThe EElemental's RRevenge he lemental's evenge hTe lEemental's eRvenge fhe slemental's devenge fThe sElemental's dRevenge Tfhe Eslemental's Rdevenge
5he 3lemental's 4evenge 5The 3Elemental's 4Revenge T5he E3lemental's R4evenge hhe flemental's gevenge hThe fElemental's gRevenge Thhe Eflemental's Rgevenge
yhe rlemental's tevenge yThe rElemental's tRevenge Tyhe Erlemental's Rtevenge 6he 4lemental's 5evenge 6The 4Elemental's 5Revenge T6he E4lemental's R5evenge
ghe dlemental's fevenge gThe dElemental's fRevenge Tghe Edlemental's Rfevenge rhe wlemental's eevenge rThe wElemental's eRevenge Trhe Ewlemental's Reevenge
Ellemental's Te Eemental's Rvenge Teh Eelmental's Rveenge Tje Ekemental's Rsvenge Tjhe Eklemental's Rsevenge Thje Elkemental's Resvenge
Tue Eoemental's R3venge Tuhe Eolemental's R3evenge Thue Eloemental's Re3venge Tne Epemental's Rfvenge Tnhe Eplemental's Thne Elpemental's Refvenge
Tbe Eleemental's Rrvenge Tbhe Elmental's Rrevenge Thbe Elmeental's Rervenge Tge Elsmental's R4venge Elsemental's Thge Elesmental's Re4venge
Tye El3mental's Rdvenge El3emental's Thye Ele3mental's Redvenge Thee Elfmental's Rwvenge Th Elfemental's Rwevenge The Elefmental's Rewvenge
Ths Elrmental's Revvenge Thse Elremental's Reenge Thes Elermental's Reevnge Th3 El4mental's Rebenge Th3e El4emental's Rebvenge The3 Ele4mental's Revbenge
Thf Eldmental's Recenge Thfe Eldemental's Recvenge Thef Eledmental's Revcenge Thr Elwmental's Regenge Thre Elwemental's Regvenge Ther Elewmental's Revgenge
Th4 Elemmental's Refenge Th4e Eleental's The4 Eleemntal's Revfenge Thd Elejental's Reveenge Thde Elejmental's Revnge Thed Elemjental's Revnege
Thw Elekental's Revsnge Thwe Elekmental's Revsenge Thew Elemkental's Revesnge Elenental's Rev3nge Elenmental's Rev3enge Elemnental's Reve3nge
Elemeental's Revfnge Elemntal's Elemnetal's Revefnge Elemsntal's Revrnge Elemsental's Revrenge Elemesntal's Revernge
Elem3ntal's Rev4nge Elem3ental's Rev4enge Eleme3ntal's Reve4nge Elemfntal's Revdnge Elemfental's Revdenge Elemefntal's Revednge
Elemrntal's Revwnge Elemrental's Revwenge Elemerntal's Revewnge Elem4ntal's Revennge Elem4ental's Revege Eleme4ntal's Revegne
Elemdntal's Revemge Elemdental's Revemnge Elemedntal's Revenmge Elemwntal's Revehge

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