Nothing To Declare

A hundred thousand hearts a dayAre vacuumed in along
these runwaysIn specks of iron from around the worldDrawn
to the magnetism in this placeI've watched them land
in the Heathrow hazeThrough 'Nothing to Declare' into
cars that speed awayI'm watching the aeroplanes comin'
inWaiting for a miracleWatching the aeroplanes comin'
inWonderin' if I'll see you againWonder if I'll see
you againI understand how you had to leaveYou said
'back soon' and I must believeMy feelings haven't changed
since that fateful dayYou left me grounded and you
flew awayOver my house into the cloudsTo foreign lands
in the sunshineI watch the seven forty sevens climbOver
my house into the cloudsTo foreign lands in the sunshineI
wave bye bye, bye bye,A hundred thousand hearts a dayCome
gliding down but they don't explainAn empty seat on
a sold out flightA year ago on an empty nightI watched
you down but you never cameThrough 'Nothing to Declare'
like a sign hangin' on my nameI'm watching the aeroplanes
comin' inWaiting for a miracleWatching the aeroplanesWonderin'
if I'll see you... againOver my houseMy house

Mirror lyrics:

if I'll see you... againOver my houseMy house
comin' inWaiting for a miracleWatching the aeroplanesWonderin'
like a sign hangin' on my nameI'm watching the aeroplanes
you down but you never cameThrough 'Nothing to Declare'
a sold out flightA year ago on an empty nightI watched
gliding down but they don't explainAn empty seat on
wave bye bye, bye bye,A hundred thousand hearts a dayCome
my house into the cloudsTo foreign lands in the sunshineI
in the sunshineI watch the seven forty sevens climbOver
flew awayOver my house into the cloudsTo foreign lands
since that fateful dayYou left me grounded and you
'back soon' and I must believeMy feelings haven't changed
you againI understand how you had to leaveYou said
inWonderin' if I'll see you againWonder if I'll see
inWaiting for a miracleWatching the aeroplanes comin'
cars that speed awayI'm watching the aeroplanes comin'
in the Heathrow hazeThrough 'Nothing to Declare' into
to the magnetism in this placeI've watched them land
these runwaysIn specks of iron from around the worldDrawn
A hundred thousand hearts a dayAre vacuumed in along

Relevant Tags:
NNothing TTo DDeclare othing o eclare oNthing oT eDclare mothing fo xeclare mNothing fTo xDeclare Nmothing Tfo Dxeclare
hothing 5o eeclare hNothing 5To eDeclare Nhothing T5o Deeclare jothing ho feclare jNothing hTo fDeclare Njothing Tho Dfeclare
bothing yo reclare bNothing yTo rDeclare Nbothing Tyo Dreclare Noothing 6o ceclare Nthing 6To cDeclare Ntohing T6o Dceclare
Nkthing go seclare Nkothing gTo sDeclare Nokthing Tgo Dseclare N9thing ro N9othing rTo Dclare No9thing Tro Dcelare
N0thing Too Dsclare N0othing T No0thing To Desclare Nlthing Tk D3clare Nlothing Tko D3eclare Nolthing Tok De3clare
Nithing T9 Dfclare Niothing T9o Noithing To9 Defclare Notthing T0 Drclare Nohing T0o Nohting To0 Derclare
Nofhing Tl D4clare Nofthing Tlo D4eclare Notfhing Tol De4clare No5hing Ti Ddclare No5thing Tio Ddeclare Not5hing Toi Dedclare
Nohhing Dwclare Nohthing Dweclare Nothhing Dewclare Noyhing Decclare Noything Delare Notyhing Delcare
No6hing Deflare No6thing Not6hing Decflare Noghing Dexlare Nogthing Dexclare Notghing Decxlare
Norhing Devlare Northing Devclare Notrhing Decvlare Dedlare Noting Notihng Decdlare
Notjing Decllare Notjhing Decare Nothjing Decalre Notuing Deckare Notuhing Decklare

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